November News from Core Virtues

Gratitude, stewardship and wonder are the virtues we spotlight in November, our month of Thanksgiving. Regardless of whom we voted for on the first Tuesday of the month, Americans can be thankful for the blessings of liberty and new beginnings almost every November.

Patty Farnsworth

This month, the Core Virtues Foundation acknowledges a special debt of gratitude.  We are deeply thankful for the work of our first champion, Patricia Farnsworth, who twenty years ago published Core Virtues as the signature publication of Link Institute. Read more about the inspiring life of this tireless warrior for educational excellence. She left it all on the field. 

Expanding the Science and Practice of Gratitude

Did you know that grateful people are healthier and happier? That those who conscientiously practice gratitude build stronger relationships, characterized by greater generosity?


We've pointed you toward the Greater Good Science Center before, but their work creating a scientific database of gratitude (in the areas of health, personal and relational well-being and developmental science) is path-breaking.  Visit their "Youth Gratitude Project," which engages scholars and educators to fortify the next generation with what Cicero declared "the parent of all virtues."

November Hero

Leonardo da Vinci

Year Three of the Core Virtues program focuses on "wonder," so it wasn't hard to pick this month's hero.  We chose Leonardo da Vinci, the original "Renaissance Man," who stood in awe before the unexplained and zealously


attempted to penetrate the mysteries of nature -- whether in painting, anatomy, engineering or science.  Read more here.


Telling Our Stories

At the close of the Civil War, German immigrant Albert Bierstadt painted wondrous images of the unexplored Rockies and the Sierra Nevada range.  His work portraying purple mountain majesties awed his contemporaries and helped move compatriots beyond rancor and division.

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