S-Team Skin And Body Newsletter


October 2018

October Updates 

Pumpkin Facial


Dual Action Pumpkin Enzyme Facial reduces signs of aging. This naturally derived exfoliating pumpkin treatment contains essential enzymes which gently dissolve dry dead skin cells to promote new cell production.

Pumpkin is packed with fruit enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), which increase cell turnover to brighten and smooth the skin. 

Inhibit Face-Lift 


After a great launch it is now in the regular rotation. If you didn't get a chance to try it at the event, see what everyone is talking about.

“Inhibits. Fills. Lifts. Reforms.”

Lifting & expression line correcting treatment

Minimizes wrinkles in an incredible way without using microinjections and prolongs the results of other medi-aesthetic procedures, this advanced facial treatment is the ideal alternative or complement to the most invasive beauty treatments.

Book A Facial

Skin Gym Memberships


Somedays you need a little push to get yourself to the gym. That won't  be the case when you are heading to get your skin workout. You'll be building firmer, tighter, more lifted skin, all while relaxing. No pep talk needed.


A regular rotation of these treatments is the equivalent of the gym for the face -  resulting in glowing, tight, smooth skin.
12 month membership- 2 services /month
$275/month (autopay)/$3000 in full

Microcurrent Facelift "Fork Facial" 

DMK Muscle Banding 


Microplaning Glow

Medium Depth Rebuild Peels.

Glow peels 

Clarify Facial

Oxygen Facial

Get your membership

Fall Is a Great Time To Eat Pretty  

Seasonal food selection is key to a fit, healthy body and clear gorgeous skin. Need help getting your meal plans on track? Schedule a nutrition consultation and be at your best by the holidays.


Autumn Glow Salad

It's time to settle in with warm and comforting recipes that are bursting with the fresh flavors we all love this time of year. Sweet potatoes, apples, sage, cinnamon, and cider–there's something here to satisfy all of your autumnal cravings.

This plant-powered salad delivers over 50% of your daily fiber and one-third of your daily potassium goal. Butternut squash is an excellent source of eye-healthy vitamin A and a good source of immune-boosting vitamin C and blood pressure–supporting potassium. Check out the recipe at Cooking Light

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