
Lawn Sign Pick Up


The uptick of lawn signs has been great - don't miss out on your chance to get yours - this white one was done with a limited run. (Souvenir??)

If Sunday's pick up date doesn't work for you - order a sign and have it delivered.

Order A Sign

Conversations Among Candidates - June 7 & 28

Each month I've been participating in a series called Conversations Among Candidates. I started this initiative to bridge the gap between wards, to demonstrate my ability to bring people together in one space, and to create a space for listening and learning.

The conversations are moderated by an outside individual and the end of the night features a chance to move into breakout rooms with individual candidates.

If you want to know more about where I stand on issues and my leadership style, I encourage you to attend, and to watch back previous conversations.

Attend a Conversation Online
Watch Previous Conversations

Online Live - Three Platforms to Choose From


This is the event to tell your friends and family about. I will be talking to my platform, plans for the final few months leading up to election day, and taking questions from the audience. There is no need to register, just mark your calendars and show up.



With our amazing June weather, now is the time to get out and lend your feet. Volunteering is a great chance to connect with me over 1.5 hour shifts - either dropping literature or going for an easy bike ride.

Our schedule is flexible to fit your life - which means we can find time that fits your availability.

Tell Us Your Availability

The team is looking forward to hosting more events throughout the summer as opportunities to connect and be in community together. We hope to see you out and can't wait to share our time with you.


This campaign is run on the generous donations of individuals who support me and the message of bringing investments into community and innovation to Calgary.

My ask is for you to support the campaign financially so we can continue to reach residents across Ward 11. Learn more about donations here:

Campaign Donations

Missed a previous newsletter? Read past newsletters here (bottom of the page).
