
An update designed and manufactured by student members of Eagle Robotics.


Thank you so much to all of our parents and sponsors for supporting us this season!


League Meet 1 Recap

Team 7373 Carbon Fiber

The first league meet of the season proved to be a success for Team 7373 throughout the six matches played. As the day began, the team worked to do driver practice, make minor adjustments, and help fellow teams before the competition began. The team won five of the six matches played, only suffering minor issues with software and the intake mechanism. Through extensive strategizing and planning, Team 7373 worked with Team 11364 to win the highest-scoring match of the day with eighty-eight points.​ Team 7373 ended the day as the first place team in the league!


Team 11364 Diamond Plate

League Meet 1 was an overall success for Team 11364. At the beginning of the competition, the robot easily passed inspection, and the team prepared to compete. After fixing an issue with the robot’s ability to collect rings, the drive team set off to compete in the first match. Team 11364 won every match they competed in, fixing only minor problems such as broken parts and malfunctioning software between each event. The team placed second in the league at the end of the day, a great start to their competitive season.


State Championship Ring Ceremony

On October 16th, Team 7373 was presented with their state championship rings from the 2019-2020 Skystone season. The team finished as the 1st Place Inspire Award winner and the Winning Alliance Captain at the Georgia State Championship and was slated to compete at the World Championship in Houston, Texas. Members of the team enjoyed having the opportunity to come together and celebrate the successes of last season!


Fall STEM Festival

Team 7373, in collaboration with Checkmate Robotics, hosted a virtual STEM Fall Festival from September 28th to October 1st. Each day, the team presented a new STEM-related challenge to children from our local community. Throughout the sessions, members of Team 7373 walked through the steps of the challenge and gave out awards as each day came to a close. The team members loved having the opportunity to teach kids about STEM and provide an educational and fun event during fall break!

Robot Update

Team 7373 Carbon Fiber

Team 7373’s present robot consists of an array of efficient systems that have allowed the team to perform competitively thus far. In the first league meet, the team had a consistent autonomous that scored at least twenty points in every match. This capable autonomous was then combined with robust driver controls during the TeleOp match period, where the intake and wobble goal systems performed well. As the second meet approaches, Team 7373 is working to correct minor inefficiencies with the intake and correct the wobble goal manipulator so that it may be easier to score points. The team is looking forward to competing with the improved systems at the second league meet.

Team 11364 Diamond Plate

Currently, Team 11364 is working to create a consistent intake system and shooter for the next league meet. The team’s robot has the ability to pick up rings and move the wobble goal, but they are hoping to improve upon these abilities. Members of the team will continue working to extensively plan and design, so that the systems may operate at the highest capacity.


Upcoming Events

Meet #2

The next meet of the Ultimate Goal season will be held on November 14th at North Paulding High School. The event will run from 8:00am to 2:00pm, with matches starting at 10:30am. The teams are excited to have the chance to compete again in person!

Miss an update? All newsletters for the 2020-21 season are archived here

CLICK HERE to visit our website for season updates and in-depth coverage of all eagle robotics ACTIVITIES