This Sunday

Sunday 5th July 2020

"Praise be to the God and Father or our Lord Jesus Christ,

who in his great mercy has given us new birth

into a living hope, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."

(1 Peter 1:3)

Although, we will be opening the church up for those who want to join us in the building for our Sunday Service from this Sunday it is clear that for most people it is too soon to gather together in a church building. Even those of us who do come to the church building will have to remain socially distanced and the interaction will be minimal! As a congregation we have been and remain scattered because of Covid-19.

Over July and August we are going to be looking at the book of 1 Peter. Peter, who was one of Jesus's closest disciples, writes to a group of Christians that he describes as 'scattered'. The area they are scattered over is vast - it's most of what we would today call Northern Turkey. They no doubt felt isolated and cut off from other Christians in a way that goes far beyond what we are experiencing now. 

Peter writes to them, however, to offer guidance and instruction for flourishing as Christians in their difficult context. Yet, he also wants to offer them hope: a living hope rooted in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

We may feel cut off from other Christians today, we may desperately miss normal church gatherings and wonder when things will return to normal, but we too can share in the living hope that we share with Peter's first readers. A hope rooted not in the possibility of a vaccine against a disease, but the reality of Jesus's resurrection from the dead and the confident future for us that that has secured. That is indeed worth praising God for - no matter where we are!

This week's email includes:

  • Join in this Sunday - videos to contribute.
  • Last Sunday 
  • Weekly Focus: Church re-opening for Services
  • Prayer Requests
  • Notices in Brief
  • Links of the Week

Join in this Sunday: This week as the passage focuses on the resurrection we are going to repeat the opener from Easter Sunday, which I think was one of our better ones!

However, it was great to include a couple of people's reflections on life in lockdown during last week's service. I have two more to include for this week., but if you are inspired and would like to contribute a similar video, then it would be great to have one or two for each service over the coming months.

The videos need to be about 1-2 minutes long and should answer questions like:

  • How has Lockdown effected you?
  • What are the challenges and the positives for you?
  • How has God helped you during this time?

Please send videos by reply to this email, or Whatsapp (07769 871520). 

Don't forget to join us on YouTube this Sunday (the video should be available from 6am on Sunday as normal). 

Last Sunday: If you missed Last Sunday's talk 'The Wise Choice' (Matthew 7:24-29), then you can watch or listen here.

Church re-opening for services


A big thank you to the nearly 50 households that responded to our questionnaire about re-opening church for services in July and August. It was a great help in deciding how to proceed.

Our expectation is that most people will continue to access St. Luke's services through YouTube over the next two months and our main focus will continue to be to produce pre-recorded services to put online each week. For the few that are willing to experiment with meeting together under the present restrictions we will be opening the church on Sundays for one service a week starting at 10:30am. 

It is inevitable at this stage that there will be a variety of views and feelings about re-opening the church for services. For some it will be a sign of hope that we are moving beyond the worst effects of the pandemic, for others it feels too risky. Many will rightly be wanting to guard their own health and so not want to be a part of any large gatherings at this time, whilst others will benefit from the opportunity to get out of the house and be in a place with other Christians worshipping God. We must be careful not to judge and eager to understand how others are feeling at this very strange and fragile stage of lockdown easing.

For those who do come along to the church I am afraid it will feel quite strange. People will have to stay in their own households and remain 2m distanced from other households. There will be no singing, no Sunday Club or Sparklers and no refreshments after the service. Some of the service will involve watching elements of the online service on the big screen, but there will be some live elements and we will say some parts together. We will also have tables and activity sheets for any families with children who would benefit doing those through part of the service.

Although, the general law is that gatherings of over 30 people are not allowed at this time, places of worship are allowed to have larger numbers. The numbers will be limited by the risk assessment carried out. We are blessed with a large church building and having carried out the church of England's risk assessment we have decided that we can cater for up to 30 households. Since over half of the congregation are not planning to attend at this time we should easily be able to have everyone who does in one service. I will be contacting those who have volunteered to help at services or registered to attend over the next couple of days with further information.

Prayer Requests

Be assured I will do my best to check that people are happy for the requests to be shared before including them. Please pray for:

  • Nathan. Give thanks that he is now clear of cancer cells. Pray for wisdom for the doctors as they consider possible treatment to stop the cancer recurring.
  • Gordon Warren is still in the hospice. Give thanks that they are now controlling the pain, but pray for wisdom about returning home - that everything can be in place for Gordon so that he can be comfortable and regain strength at home. Keep praying for June as well!
  • Pam Morecroft, who is in hospital recovering from a broken wrist.
  • Joy Smithers in Westbrook House  to receive physiotherapy.
  • Joy Ovenden and Shirley Crabb who are in a lot of pain with their hips.

  •  Gloria's daughter's friend, Barb, who has just been diagnosed with having pancreatic cancer. Please pray for peace and healing at this time.
  • Chantal Swallow and family after the death of her dad. Pray for comfort, support and strength at this time as they come to the funeral on Monday 6th July.
  •  Mitch Styles that he will be relieved from his severe anxiety.
  •  Debbie Smith who is soon to have an operation to remove a sarcoma from her stomach.
  • Pauline Mackinney's sister having investigations on her heart.

Prayer from Church of England for during Lockdown:

Faithful creator,
whose mercy never fails:
deepen our faithfulness to you
and to your living word,
Jesus Christ our Lord.

Notices in Brief...

Churches Together Prayer on Zoom. This Saturday 4th July at 9am you can join with others from around Ramsgate for this prayer meeting on Zoom hosted by Sue Cox from St. Mark's.

Meeting ID: 865 186 5167

A message from Laura Probert:

A Big Thankyou!

I know all your faces but could not possibly remember all your names to thank you individually!  

Yes I’m talking about YOU! All the lovely people that go to St Luke’s Church, and encouraged by Paul and his very talented family, have been singing their hearts out week by week and taking part in the online services during lockdown. I do sometimes attend events and bible studies at St Luke’s so some of you may recognise me. Your joyous singing and heartfelt prayers have meant a lot to me and helped me keep going during this difficult time. It hasn’t mattered that someone occasionally sings a bit too high or fluffs one of their lines, it is your sincerity and love that shines through in everything that you do. And you have all become very proficient in using social media too.

God is good. Well done all of you.

Hall Noticeboard

Our external hall noticeboard has been refurbished and repositioned by our maintenance worker, Chris Tull. Many thanks to him (and to his friend Chris for helping him put it up). Photo courtesy of Andrew McMillan.


Zoom after the service: We'll continue with these Zoom meetings after the service on Sundays for those watching online and even for those who have been to the building! Do join us if you can at 11:30am onwards. Just click the button below:

After Church Zoom Meeting

Links of the Week: 

A poem to help encourage lament in a time of Covid-19.

Stories and reflections from life under Covid-19.

Don't forget to join us on YouTube this Sunday (Video should be available from 6am on Sunday).

Yours in Christ,


St. Luke's Website