live yoga. Love Life. ​


Even as we head into the darkest days ( it sort of snowed this morning!), I feel the light within as vibrant and clear. And, after spending last week as a student in Yoga Teacher Training, I am full of inspiration and insights to share both in my own offerings and by supporting our growing tribe sharing their own gifts. 

Last week, we celebrated our one-month anniversary! Thank you so very much to YOU for your support: from attending classes and telling  your friends to connecting with us on social media and simply asking how it's going. (By the way, it's going super good, as you'll see from our gorgeous offerings). 

And in this time of flourishing --when it feels like anything is possible and there is so much creative energy bubbling up around and within the space--what comes through is the recognition that this moment of blooming is just that: a moment. Part of a natural cycle of equally precious periods of  birth, growth, and decay which are always occurring simultaneously and harmoniously.

For example,  as I write this, my dear friend Prue is spending her last day here in Ticino before she returns to Australia and, as thrilled as I am that the seed of her intention to grow her family in her homeland is about to sprout, I feel deeply sad to close this chapter of our friendship. 

Insert your favorite cliche about doors opening and closing or flowers blooming and withering or waves rising and falling. We all experience this. It's when we "go with the flow," to use another cliche, neither attaching nor resisting that, no matter the circumstances--dark and rainy days,  the loss of loved ones, and the manifestation of our dreams-- that we access the light within.

If you're called to reconnect with your radiance, there are a few spots left for the Yoga + Self Care day retreat next month and tomorrow is the last day for the early registration discount. You can save your spot by contacting me directly. ​

With Gratitude and Grace: 

the light in me honors the light in you



This week's schedule 

Monday 19 November  

18.30-20.00 Hatha Yoga: Meditation, Mantra + Mudra with Courtenay 

Tuesday 20 November 

 12.00-13.00 Hatha Flow with Courtenay

17.15-18.15 Gyrokinesis® with Julie

18.30-19.30 Yoga Nidra with Amy 

Wednesday 21 November

9.30-11.00 Hatha Flow with Courtenay

Thursday 22 November 

 9.30-10.45 Hatha Flow with Amy 

11.30-13.30 Heal + Relax (appointments available) with Nur

19.00-20.30 Kundalini Meditation with Keri 


 "On the mat" classes + events

Radiate Retreat with Courtenay

Sunday 2 December, 10.00-16.30 

An Ayurvedic approach to self-care inspires all of the offerings of this special day. Featuring yoga, a plant-based brunch, essential oil-infused ritual and a DIY gift, enter the winter months radiating inner light from a day devoted taking care.  

95- chf before November 20  // 110- chf full price

Deep Dive with Amy

  Sunday 9  December, 10.00-12.00 

An exploration into every layer of your being starting with Hatha Flow to align body, breath, and mind, followed by a deep dive into the subtle body with Pranayama and Yoga Nidra. Experience profound rest and renewal.

Essential Practice with Courtenay

Saturday 15 December, 10.00-12.00 

Revitalize body + soul with all the essential elements of Hatha Yoga: dynamic and restorative asana, pranayama and meditation, plus a generous offering of essential oils. Expect inspired themes and refined alignment in an encouraging environment.

Candlelight Yin Yoga con Babettli (in Italiano)

Domenica 16 Dicembre, 17.00-18.30  

Lo yin yoga completa splendidamente uno stile di vita e pratica dinamica (Yang).  Attraverso pose semplici, ma mantenute per diversi minuti ci concentriamo su tessuti Yin. Il risultato e’ un aumento di flessibilita’ nelle articolazioni specialmente nella zona lombare e pelvica. La pratica al lume di candela ci permette di rilassarci completamente e di assaporare tutte le sensazioni che derivano da questa pratica unica. 

monday Special Series  

 18.30-20.00 with Courtenay 

November 26, December 3, 10 + 17 Well Woman Yoga

Well Woman Yoga, as taught by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, is a celebration of women's power to heal and thrive. The practice combines asana, pranayama, meditation, mantra, mudra, and ritual to reconnect and rebalance.  Drop in for one class or join for the series. 


To register for classes and events, contact your teacher directly by phone or email.  Download our weekly schedule below:

Autumn 2018 schedule large scale .pdf

"Off the mat" classes + events  



Join Desire Map Facilitator Sandra Engellau for an introduction to this empowering approach to setting "goals with soul." In this experiential session, you'll get to try some of the exercises and come home with a gift that will get you started on your way to living life with passion and purpose. 

Friday 7 December, 14.00-15.30

Saturday 15 December, 12.00-13.30 

Reserve your spot with Sandra



Drop in for a hug and enjoy a mug of chai while you browse our selection of mindful holiday gifts and connect with your community. 

Saturday 8 December, 14.00-17.00 



A supportive sisterhood with compassionate communication, sacred ceremony, and really good chocolate! Everyone is welcome and registration is required 

Sunday 9 December, 15.30-18.00 

15- fr.  covers chocolate + a donation to onebillionrising



An experiential and interactive exploration of a specific topic related to essential oils, offered twice a month. Register as a drop-in or use your class pass with Courtenay. 

Friday 30 November, 11.30-13.00

 Surviving the Winter Season with Ayurveda + Essential Oils

Friday 7 December, 11.30-13.00

  Essential Oils for Everybody Intro Course


Treat your whole body through the feet with this ancient holistic method which treats the person as a whole. By applying pressure to certain areas and points on the feet, associated muscles, organs, tissues and systems in the body ares stimulated and relaxation, balance and harmony are restored. Please contact Natasja​ to book a 50- minute session. 

By appointment on Monday, Thursday, or Friday. 


A chance to de-stress and replenish your reserves with Nur, who offers a variety of deeply relaxing healing modalities: colourpuncture, Hawaiian healing massage and Reiki. Please contact Nur to book a 30- or 60- minute session. ​

By appointment on Thursdays from 11.30-13.30

Flyer Heal & Relax ita.pdf
Flyer Heal & Relax.pdf

Visit for more information about classes, teachers, passes and registration ​

big hugs + blessings 


photo: Marian Duven​ Photography 

Let's Connect