
This Sunday

13th December 2020

Online: YouTube (from 6am Sunday)

We are in church this Sunday at 10:30am:

Register to attend

On Zoom​: Sunday 11:30am until 1:00pm

"Night and day we pray most earnestly that we may see you face to face and restore whatever is lacking in your faith."

(1 Thessalonians 3:10, NRSV)

I came across this verse in my Bible reading this morning. Paul was writing to the church in Thessalonica, which he had recently helped set up. Unfortunately, he had been forced to leave them because of persecution. 

Yet, in his letter (one of the oldest in the New Testament) you gain a real sense of Paul's personal commitment, concern and devotion to the new Christians in that place. Yet, because of the threat of his persecutors, he is unable to meet with the church in person!

One person was lamenting to me on the phone this week, that with all the restrictions and mask wearing in church services and especially with the newest restriction of not being allowed to interact with anyone in the church building there is a sense of 'humanity' being taken out of church. There is some truth in that. The virus means we cannot meet 'face to face' and that is a real loss. 

I personally really miss our large gatherings when I could see everyone. Of course, if you have been watching the online services you have probably seen more that enough of my face.  However, as your vicar I have not seen many of your faces for months. I do hope and pray, though, that the services help 'to restore what is lacking in your faith' (see 1 Thessalonians 3:10 above).

But I also have an idea that I hope may give us a small sense of the large sea of faces that we used to see when we gathered together at church before all this began! 

It would be fantastic if EVERYONE could send in a photo of themselves. You could make the photo festive - i.e. standing next to the Christmas decorations at home or wearing a Christmas jumper, but please do not let ambition for the perfect photo stop you sending in a photo!

We would then form a montage of photos and names under a heading of 'Christmas Greetings from St. Luke's', that we can play at the end of our Christmas services. This of course will only work well if most people do this!

So, please as soon as possible, and by next Friday (18th) at the latest, send me a photo of you or you or you and your family and a list of your names and we'll include you in the montage. If a photo is not possible, then we could just include your names if you let me know that is what you want. The simplest way to send me the photo is by replying to this email.

I look forward to seeing you!

This is a good alternative to sending a Christmas card to the whole of St. Luke's. However, if you also want to bring in cards for the church family this Sunday or post them to me, we will display them on a board in church.

If you haven't done so already. Please do not forget to respond to the letter and re-register - click here to re-register.

Our Bible passage for this Sunday's service is: Revelation 3:14-22

We urgently need some contributions for this Sunday's online service... please see below.

Find out more about our Christmas Services

Please read on...

  • Prayer: What to send in for this week's service and a reminder about registering for the Christmas services.
  • Care: Reminder about what is needed for Food Bank this year.
  • Share: A couple of blogs: one on coping with the 'heaviness' of the present situation and another about an idea a church had in Denver to support their community.

Contribution for this Sunday - URGENT

It would be great to have a large number contributing to our opener this week.

This week I am going to say: "Jesus says, 'Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door...."

And you need to record yourself saying:

"...I will come in and eat with that person!"

Please send responses in by 10am tomorrow morning (Friday) via Whatsapp (07769 871520) or to [email protected] via wetransfer

Our Christmas Services

To be honest we do not know how popular our in-person services will be this year. However, we are asking everyone who wants to come to register to attend. You can either click on the links below or phone me on 01843 592562. It may be that if you do not register ahead of time we may not be able to let you in.

Service of Remembrance - Saturday 19th, 6:30pm - If you want someone who has died to be remembered at this service, you will need to add their name on the registration form or give me a ring ahead of time - even if you plan to watch the livestream online.

Family Carol Service - Sunday 20th, 3:00pm - This will be our main online Christmas service, which will be available from 6:00am on Sunday 20th and all over Christmas. Do share this using social media - a very easy way to invite friends and family to a carol service!

Crib ServiceOnline only. Available from Christmas Eve. Register to ask for cardboard cut out crib characters and / or a reminder email with the YouTube link to be sent to you.

Carols and Readings in the Church Garden - Christmas Eve, 6:30pm. We will restrict numbers on the basis of how many can fit safely in the church garden whilst socially distanced. This may be popular as it is the only carol service people will be allowed to sing at. So book early!

Christmas Day, All Age Communion - 10:30am.  This will also be livestreamed, but if you want to attend in person then please register.

Prayer Requests:

Be assured I will do my best to check that people are happy for the requests to be shared before including them. Please pray for:

  • Our Christmas services and plans this year - inside, outside and online. Pray that the good news of Jesus will bring people comfort and joy at Christmas and in the rest of their lives!
  • Thanet Winter Shelter and the Food Bank as they seek to offer support to those in need this Christmas
  • Rita, Anna Sclar's sister who is having a bad reaction to cancer treatment. Please pray for healing.

  • Nancy Brown, who fell and had to have an operation on her hip. Give thanks that she is now at home and pray for improving health.
  • Shirley Crabb that an appointment for a hip operation would come soon.
  • Barb - Gloria's daughter's friend as she continues chemotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer.


Food Bank donations

We are planning to take all the donations in church for the Ramsgate Churches Together Food Bank to the Salvation Army early this coming week. So if you want to donate food and especially mince pies or Christmas Puddings for the special hampers they are preparing, then please do so this Sunday.


Last Week's Talk:

True Reputation (Revelation 3:1-13) - available online.

As Jesus addresses the churches of Sardis and Philadelphia he turns to the issue of reputation. Smyrna are reliant on a good reputation, when the truth is quite different, whilst Philadelphia need to be encouraged that Jesus’s reputation as the true leader of Israel and God’s Kingdom is to be trusted.​

Helpful Christian Blogs:

Shifting heaviness with praise. Lisa van den Berg, who works for Heaven in Business, was really struggling with heaviness. She was feeling the weight of everything that’s going on in the world right now and needed God’s help to do something about it....

Cross Purpose​ - Juan Pena and his wife at a church plant in Denver began to notice that many are asking the question, "How do we help our neighbours in poverty?".  But they began asking the question, "How do we help our neighbours escape poverty?".

I look forward to seeing your Christmas photos!

Yours in Christ,

Paul Worledge 

Vicar, St. Luke's Ramsgate