March 2021 News from Core Virtues

"With winter's footprints in the past, and snows begin to melt at last..." So begins our poetic ode to March, and we hope you too are feeling the thaw and the new life. There's lots to celebrate in March: our virtue focus is on the outward-turned virtues of compassion, faithfulness, and mercy.  We find those virtues realized in the lives of many heroines featured in our Women's History Month tab, because don't forget: March is Women's History month too!  As an exemplar of faithfulness (to Ireland and it's people) we recommend that March 17 hero, St. Patrick.  Check out suggestions about St. Patrick and other traditional tales at our St. Patrick's Day Holiday Page

What's New?

Women on the Front Lines


Here are two fascinating new books spotlighting little-known stories of American women at war. Grace Banker and Her Hello Girls tells the story of the first unit of American women soldiers in World War 1. They were switchboard operators, working on the front lines in France within bombing range of the western front.  With gas masks at the ready, they transmitted hundreds of messages every hour from commanders to the battlefield and worked on, as their own barracks were set aflame.  Then there's Fly Girls, the untold story of Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) in World War II, who trained as military pilots and even instructed the "Fly Boys," but served on the homefront.

Additional Resources

We feature many books on our monthly tabs (with book cover links), but don't forget to check out the "Additional Resources​" page indicated at the top and bottom of each monthly page.  Many classics are here -- some of which are out of print, but many available below on the Internet Archives.


The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library. Like a paper library, they provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public. Their mission is to provide Universal Access to All Knowledge. Because they are a library, they pay special attention to books.  They began a program to digitize books in 2005 and today scan 1,000 books per day in 28 locations around the world. 


Telling Our Stories

In an age of diversity, compassion is a virtue that unites.  The essence of that particular human excellence is, as the Latin root implies suffering with:  “com” meaning “with” and ‘pati” to suffer.  Compassion moves us to feel the pain of others and act to end their distress.

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