June News from Core Virtues


Hurray, it's summer!  We'll take a break from newsletter publication in the month of July, and use this opportunity to wish all our Core Virtues students, teachers, administrators, and parents a joyful and restorative vacation. 

Along with the poet Derek Walcott, may you delight in "the growing idleness of summer grass, with its frail kites of furious butterflies" requesting "the praise of lemonade, in scancion gentler than my hammock swings." (A Lesson for This Sunday). Or if you, like Emily Dickinson, start early, take your dog, and visit the sea, that's pretty terrific too. (I Started Early - Took My Dog)

Core Virtues Schools

In case you've missed it, our website features some of the many schools using the Core Virtues program:  they are traditional public schools, charter schools, independent, and faith-based schools.  If you're interested in learning more about them, click here, or if your school is using Core Virtues, and you would like to be listed on our website​, contact us at [email protected].

What's New?

In August we'll introduce a new page called "Core Virtues-Core Knowledge Connections." Many schools employing the Core Virtues program as their character education cornerstone, utilize the outstanding Core Knowledge Sequence as their academic foundation.  (The two organizations and foundations are independent.) We'll identify the stories, poems, speeches, biographies, works of music and visual art in the Sequence that exemplify and bolster the virtues at various grade levels.  


Telling Our Stories

In June, the Core Virtues program celebrates heroism, and defines it as “taking noble action for a good cause.” That action almost invariably involves willingness to sacrifice one’s self for a higher good. 

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