
October Newsletter 2nd edition

Next Clinical Meeting


​Tuesday 10th November 2020

Evolution of resistance and its impact on treatment by A/Prof David Whiley

Overview of epidemiology including a discussion on the potential utility of genomics by A/Prof Amy Jennison

Early detection, treatment and prevention strategies by Dr Andrew Redmond

Gonococcal vaccines by A/Prof Kate Seib

This is a virtual meeting

Cost- included in the society membership fee. Join the Sexual Health Society of Queensland for only $80.00 or free for students
Download the clinical meeting flyer or visit our website for further information

9 New Virtual Conference Scholarships Offered

Applications extended to the 9th of November   

Don't miss out!


2020 Joint Australasian HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conferences: VIRTUAL. Monday 16 – Friday 20 November 2020

Program overview now available, click HERE to view more details.

Far North Queensland RN Virtual Conference Scholarship 
The Society agree to provide financial assistance for registrations ($230.00) for five (5) members that are Far North Queensland Registered Nurses to attend the Joint Australasian HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conferences: VIRTUAL.  For further information

​​SHSQ Virtual Conference Scholarship
​The Society agrees to provide financial assistance for four registrations at $280.00 each so that members can attend the Joint Australasian HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conferences: VIRTUAL.​  For further information

New Student Membership Offered 

The Society updated our constitution at the AGM in August 2020.  The new constitution now included a free student membership.  

Student membership is FREE! To apply, complete the membership application and send your student card to the secretariat 

Student with an interest in sexual and reproductive health are encouraged to join the Society – it is a great networking opportunity for future career pathways

If you are a student and would like to join the Society, please see the Membership Application Form


What Should the HIV Clinic Look Like in the Injectable Drug Era? 

  • Handling the workload of multiple visits every two months
  • Logistical considerations of ordering, supply, storing and injecting on a large scale
  • Patient interactions: Counseling patients on use and routine of injectables
  • Dealing with poor adherence and missed visits

These topics will be discussed during a Brainstorming Roundtable in the session on Integrating Injectable Antiretroviral Regimens into Routine Care at the Nurses & Pharmacists HIV Clinical Forum 2020, on 13 November, at 09:00 CET. 

The program is specifically designed to meet the educational needs of European nurses and pharmacists involved in treating PLWH. It is a great opportunity for healthcare professionals to come together and discuss new developments and best strategies for implementation into routine care for their patients.

Register today and get updated on the integration of injectable antiretroviral regimens into routine care, clinical considerations in switching suppressed patients, and PrEP implementation from the convenience of your home or office. Registration is complimentary for all HIV healthcare professionals.

Register for the virtual forum on 13 November 2020.

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