Pathways Retreat

February Rhythms

The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything.

Julian of Norwich


Grace Flowing


 God always heals us, and with the most amazing gentleness over time. It does take time for us to heal in ways that will bring God the most glory and us the most joy, forever. The Lord never stops or even slows his kind, gentling healing in us.

Julian of Norwich

Pathways theme and focus for the Lenten journey is Grace Flowing.  What better mystic of the month to have than Julian of Norwich who said:

All will be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well…for there is a force of love moving through the universe that holds us fast and will never let us go.

Grace is continually moving and flowing throughout our lives with and without our awareness. This Lenten season, we invite you to join us in paying closer attention to the flow of Grace in our daily lives.


Spirited movement prayer

February 5, 12, 19, 26
March 5, 12, 19, 26

Pleased with us, in flesh to dwell… Jesus our Immanuel!” proclaims the third verse of Hark the Herald Angels Sing. It is on the resonating chords of that tune and those words, that we welcome in the new year with Spirited Movement Prayer facilitated by Sara Klassen, yoga instructor and Gestalt Pastoral Care trainee. Sara says, “In this series, we will move through poses that not only feel good, but also have extravagant and plentiful benefits for body, mind and spirit.  This practice grows in us the fruits of the spirit, giving us an opportunity to be present to ourselves and Immanuel, God with us.” Sara will adapt classes to be suitable for any body, so ALL are welcome. Pathways provides the yoga mat.

Cost: Drop in fee $15/session

Five session punch pass is $60. Punch passes may be purchased online or in person. You may pick up your punch pass at your first session.

Register online or contact Julie Stegelmann, 574-202-2864.


Opening to grace group

Thursdays, 4:30-6:30pm

February 15, 22, March 1, 15, 22

Gestalt Pastoral Care (GPC), a synthesis of Gestalt theory, spiritual direction and prayer, is an awareness-based and spiritually integrated approach to inner growth and wholeness. Linda Lehman Thomas, GPC minister and trainer, will facilitate this group that will meet five times. The first session will be an introduction to the process and to each other. The following sessions will provide opportunity for one participant to “work” while the rest of the group offers support through presence and prayer. There is space for four participants and two observer-intercessors. The observer-intercessors participate fully in the group but do not have space to do their own work. This is a healing modality that is better experienced than explained. Please contact Linda if you have interest and questions.
Cost: participants $175, observer-intercessors $150
Register online or contact Linda Lehman Thomas, 574-333-1822


Listening together

Mondays, 7:00-8:30pm

Resuming February 5

Discernment: Reading the Signs of Daily Life by Henri Nouwen is the book that we began to use in the fall in the Listening at Pathways Group on Monday evenings.  That group will resume singing, centering prayer, and reflecting on discernment on Monday 5 February, 7-8:30 pm.  This group is open to anyone to join at any time.  In February we will be reflecting on Part Three: "Discerning Vocation, Presence, Identity and Time."


ash wednesday service

February 14, 12:00pm

This service includes scripture, song, silence, and marking with ashes.  An opportunity to turn our faces toward the One who calls us home.  Return to me with all your heart.  -Joel  2:12


                You were built for this,

                the ancient path

                inscribed upon your bones,

                the persistent pattern

                echoing in your heartbeat.

                Let this be the season

                you turn your face

                toward the One

                who calls to you:

                Return, return.

                Let this be the day

                you open wide your arms

                to the wind that knows

                how to bear you


- Jan Richardson, Circle of Grace

Lenten Prayers: Scripture, color & Blessing


Fridays, February 16-23


The focus of Pathways Friday morning Lenten prayer is on God’s grace and love flowing through our daily lives.  Each week we will practice lectio (meditative reading) with Old Testament lectionary texts focusing on God’s covenant.  Each participant will be able to color, trace or draw five unique Celtic knots—each representing one of the covenants.  As you color, you may follow the flow of the design as it moves over and then under—listening for how this flow and movement speaks of grace in your own life.

“God of Trinity, you flow through the cosmos and through our lives. We are grateful that your love has no beginning and no end. During these 40 days of Lent open our hearts to your steadfast grace, presence and flow.”

Pathways staff facilitates this prayer resource from LEAD


february calendar


Thursday, February 1, 7pm

Spirited Movement Prayer*

Mondays 5-6pm

Listening Together

Mondays 7-8:30pm

Contemplative Sit

Tuesdays 7:30-8am

Ash Wednesday Noon Service

February 14, 12:00pm

Centering Prayer

Thursdays 7:30-8am

Lectio Divina

Friday, February 2 & 9, 8-8:30am

Lenten Prayer

Friday, February 16 & 23, 8-8:30am

Monthly Iona Healing Prayers

Thursday, February 8, 7pm

Opening to Grace Group*

Thursday, February 15 & 22, 4:30-6:30pm

Spiritual Directors Day Away

Tuesday, February 20, 9am-2pm

*Registration Required

Pathways Retreat is a spiritual retreat center for Rest, Reflection and Renewal.

Julie Stegelmann  [email protected]
Linda Lehman Thomas  [email protected]
Evan J. Miller  [email protected]

Keep in touch