
This Sunday

13th September 2020

Online: YouTube (from 6am Sunday)

In-Person: Sunday 9:30am and 11:00am

On Zoom​: Sunday 11:30am or 12:30pm

"In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing

that any of these little ones should be lost."

(Matthew 18:14)

Welcome to our new look 'This Sunday' email. As we have seen we are living in a very uncertain world. This week there was yet another sudden and unexpected change to the way we are allowed to meet! In such circumstances it is so important that we maintain communication and I really hope this weekly email can keep you up to date with all that is going on at St. Luke's.

The good news is that our services in church are not affected by the latest changes so we will be continuing to have two services on a Sunday. If you haven't already let us know what you plan to do in September with regards to Sunday services, then please let us know by clicking on one of  the times of the services in blue above). Communication needs to be a two-way thing.

We also continue our weekly online services and you can access our YouTube channel by clicking on YouTube at the top of this email. Also if you want to join others for an informal chat after the service, then please join us at 11:30am or 12:30pm by clicking on the blue 'On Zoom' at the top of the email.

With all the changes to church life it is important that we hold on to the key values of what we are about as a community of followers of Christ. So, as the government are fond of sets of three words, I have chosen three words to summarise what we should be about as a church. You can hear more about this in this Sunday's sermon, but I will also be talking more about it at our Annual Meeting.

The Annual Meeting will be on Thursday 1st October at 7:30pm. We are hoping to have it both online and in-person simultaneously, but that will depend on whether we are allowed to meet in-person and getting the technology correct. If you want to be able to vote at the meeting you need to be on our church electoral roll. If you are not already on the electoral roll then click the blue 'Annual Meeting' words and this will take you to our website, which will give you information about how you can enroll - but you must do so by next Wednesday (16th). 


As Christians we have access to God as our heavenly Father, through prayer. This will include praising and thanking God as well as bringing him specific requests. In this section will be notices to do with our online services as well as prayer requests and prayers.

Online Choir: It is great to have people contribute to our services through recording themselves on video each week. If you would like to join our online choir or perhaps record a children's song with actions, then please use this form to let us know: sign up for online choir.

Prayer Requests:

Be assured I will do my best to check that people are happy for the requests to be shared before including them. Please pray for:

  • Our PCC meeting this Monday that God will give us wisdom in all our discussions.
  • The boilers as they are refurbished this week, that the work will be successful and effective.
  • Beth Patterson and family after the death of her mum last Thursday morning.
  • Hazel Kenney's family after the death of her dad on Saturday morning.
  • Give thanks that Nicky Galer's grandson, Teddy, is now out of hospital and has started school. Pray that he continues to heal and regain strength.
  • Lizzie (a friend of Willow Whybrow and Barbara Kail) recently diagnosed with cancer and having an operation soon.

  • June Warren and family after the death of Gordon Warren.
  • Those struggling with deteriorating joints, especially those who are having to wait longer than normal because of the present crisis.
  • Joy Smithers to be able to accept her situation. Although she is now at home she can't move around without help.

Jesus's 'new commandment' to his followers was to love one another. We may have to be physically distant from each other, but we need to keep finding ways of connecting, welcoming and supporting one another at St. Luke's and in the wider Christian community as well as showing God's love to the word.

Boiler Refurbishment: Part of caring for one another is ensuring that we welcome people into our building. A crucial part of that is to ensure it is warm enough. To do this we need our heaters in proper working order. Over the last year we have been looking at various options of replacing or renovating our boilers but decided to go for a renovation. This should be going ahead this week and will cost us £5,000. We are really grateful to all those who have already donated to help make this possible. So far, we have had £1,438.60 donated. If you would like to help welcome people into a warm church by donating to this project then please use our online donation page and state clearly that the money is for the church heating.

Harvest Appeal for Food Bank: As part of our Harvest Appeal this year, we are asking people to donate non-perishable food for the Churches Together in Ramsgate food bank. You can bring the food to the Harvest service on 4th October or leave it on the table at the back of church on any Sunday. They are particularly looking for:

  • Jars of meat and fish paste.
  • Peanut Butter, chocolate spread and jam.
  • Ring-pull tins of ham, corned beef, chicken in sauce or beef in sauce.
  • UHT milk.

They do not need pasta, soup, fruit, biscuits or sweets!


Jesus called his disciples 'to make disciples', that is to teach people the good news of what God has done for us in Jesus and how we are to live in response. We continue today to share the same good news and the truth of God's Word today.

Children's and Youth Work. St. Luke's has always been a church concerned to share the good news with the next generation. Covid-19 has forced us to stop a lot of what we normally do and I am keen to see how we might start to offer more for our young people. The church of England had a webinar on Children's and Youth Work in the present circumstances, which you can watch here. There is also a question and answer session being run as an online Zoom meeting on Tuesday from 1-2pm , which I am planning to attend. Do let me know if you are interested in attending as well.

Share online! Do remember that you can share our services or talks with others really easily online using social media, email or WhatsApp. This is a very easy way to share God's word with others. Each week we put up a blog with the most recent sermon, which can be watched on YouTube, listened to as a Podcast or read! Last week's sermon can be accessed in any of these ways: Little Children (Matthew 18:1-9).

Finally, here are some Links of the Week:

  • This video talk by Mike Pilavachi was recommended by Simon and Lindsay Williams. It is a fun and easy listen with a powerful reminder of what it means to be chosen by Jesus: Jesus Chooses You.

  • This is a short and provocative article challenging our attitudes to older people: A better society after lockdown is one where older people are valued

  • This is an interesting article that argues that although the church is the people, the buildings we meet in matter and effect the way we are church and our witness to the world. We need to have a physical place to gather, online is not enough... Reimagining Church Buildings.

Thank you for reading to the bitter end! Do let us know what you think about the new look email. I hope to see you soon.

Yours in Christ,

Paul Worledge 

Vicar, St. Luke's Ramsgate