Hi Soul Family!

It’s been a long while since I sent out an update via email! When I updated my site I didn't have enough for this service so I had to cut it for a little bit but now that I have it back, you'll probably be getting weekly updates.

It’s been a jam-packed year and it feels like we haven’t even gotten started! The most amazing frequencies, keys, codes, realizations are flooding in like crazy bringing through more of our power through and our courage to push/assist/support us in out next reality.

Earlier this year I was guided to change everything...rebuild my website, upgrade my business, move back to Texas, amongst a few.

It was apparent that things, projects, relationships that were built on old energy were not going to be sustainable, fruitful or aligned and had to go. This is a biggie, especially when we are guided to release things that are still attached to but that’s the whole point. Everything with strings and cords attached are not going to support you or your Soul any longer and you must remember that you have a choice to let that go.

Just a few weeks ago I took the big leap to finally head back to Texas and honor me and my partners' Soul journey. We were both very aware of what was happening and in fact we knew this day would come for over a year. Finally after a body and emotional breakdown, I knew it was time. And even though we are still going through a deep emotional, physical and mental clearing from it all we have been able to see just how powerful this decision truly was. So many new doors, new awareness and revelations have come through that wouldn’t have emerged if we would have gone against our guidance and stayed together. These are very different times we are living in right now and so even if you think or feel like you are bound to a legal document or an old belief or other peoples expectations, the relationships that you choose to have must be in full alignment with your Soul, your Light and your purpose, if they are not they will only drain your energy and suck the Light/life out of you.

I keep seeing more and more people going through very similar experiences with relationships, with relocating, with their careers and it’s so beautiful to see so many break free from the mold and follow their own internal guidance and not the old way of thinking.

The old is gone. Everyday I see, I connect with more and more people that are remembering, they are waking up and they are finding themselves again. Everyday I find myself more, I rediscover and remember more and more of who I truly am and what my next step is. Like I mentioned before, I won’t sugar coat it, we carry a lot of baggage and garbage so get ready to do some deep, inner clearing and clean up of everything that was part of the old. It may get dirty, it may get sticky, it may get smelly and uncomfortable and emotional and you may break down several or many times but every time you get to break free a little bit more and a little bit more. You get to expand more and more. You get to open up more and more. You get to remember more and more. And you get to realign yourself a bit more and bit more to that pure, Sovereign, Source Light energy that you truly are.

There’s so much going for us. There’s so much support EVERYWHERE. There’s so many blessings all around that it’s almost too much and perfect all at the same time.

These codes and frequencies are activating more and more from deep inside so don’t be afraid to go deeper and deeper and deeper. It’s where your pure essence resides and where all answers live.


At the moment, there’s so much I want to do but only a few things that I’m truly guided to do. Being back with my parents at the moment has allowed me to take a semi break from the normal routine and offering live group sessions and classes and I know I’m restructuring it all at an energetic level first before I bring it forward in physical form. For now I’d like to invite you to enjoy my new site, it’s energy, it’s visual activations, my current light articles and see my current self-study courses that are available. I have a gifted mini course as well and all of my past activations are accessible through my Patreon membership so you can also check that out below.

There is one thing that I am guided to host and that is a private group support chat. I have been looking for a place to host a group outside of Facebook and I think I have found an alternative through Telegram. It will be a small, intimate private group for only those that resonate with the energy of it. I want it to be a fun, open and sacred space so everyone in it can feel safe to be real, honest, open and share from their heart and own experience. For now it will only last 2 weeks to test the waters and see what the respond is. There is a small fee involved nothing crazy but it will support my upcoming projects and the publishing of my first book. So if you'd like to know more information and would like to join us all buttons will be below.


With that, I just want to thank you for being here. Thank you for following my work. Thank you for all the comments, emails, donations and shares. Thank you for your continued support, up liftment, encouragement and appreciation.

It truly means the world to me and everyone as it helps me bring through more codes and support our New Earth realities. I have a sincere appreciation for everyone of you that is here, on this journey and on this planet and I just want to thank you for being here and all that you do. Know that it’s big, your role is not small and whether you know it or recognize it everything you do is assisting all of humanity through this massive shift. So don’t forget how valuable and appreciated you truly are!

I love you all very deeply, with all that I am.

Samantha SolBright Rodriguez ☼

New Earth Ascension Guide & WayShower


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