This Sunday

Sunday 28th June 2020

"When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone,

but the righteous stand firm for ever."

(Proverbs 10:25)

Is it wise to follow Jesus? Not just to listen to his words, but live the way he calls us to? Often the world will make us doubt that wisdom, but Jesus's great claim is that living his way will lead to the ultimate security, no matter what storms life may batter us with and even into eternity.

At St. Luke's our longing and hope is that more and more people find that following Jesus is the best way to live, both now and evermore. We long that people build their life on the Rock!!

Why not encourage others to join us for this Sunday's service as we have a particular encouragement to people to start following Jesus?

Read on for some initial thoughts about services starting again in July along with all the other normal information.

This week's email includes:

  • Join in this Sunday - videos to contribute.
  • Last Sunday - Avoid Superficiality (Matthew 7:13-23)
  • Weekly Focus: Services in church again
  • Prayer Requests
  • Notices in Brief
  • Links of the Week

Join in this Sunday: It would be great to have a number of people reading the following extract from Psalm 1 for our opener this week:

"Blessed is the one who does not walk in the way of the wicked...

but delights in the law of the Lord...

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water...

whatever they do prospers." 

(Psalm 1:1-3)

Also, I mentioned last week, it would be good to have some personal reflections from people on life in lockdown. So far I've had two promised and that's all! But it's not too late! These videos need to be about 1-2 minutes long and should answer questions like:

  • How has Lockdown effected you?
  • What are the challenges and the positives for you?
  • How has God helped you during this time?

Please send videos by reply to this email, or Whatsapp (07769 871520). 

Don't forget to join us on YouTube this Sunday (the video should be available from 6am on Sunday). 

Last Sunday: If you missed Last Sunday's talk 'Avoid Superficiality' (Matthew 7:13-23), then you can watch or listen here.

Services in Church Again


On Tuesday Boris Johnson announced that Places of Worship will be able to hold religious services again from 4th July. This is fantastic news and a really positive step forward as we look forward to the recovery of our normal church life. As it says in Hebrews: "...let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching!" (Hebrews 10:25) We should be longing to be able to meet together again for our mutual encouragement.

However, it is important to realise that this is only a step forward. Although we are still waiting for the details, we know there will be a number of restrictions on what we can do in a church service for the time being. Singing will not be allowed, we are encouraged not to interact with members from other households, we will need to keep 2m apart and the total numbers at any one service are likely to be restricted.

This is likely to be the case until September, when hopefully the restrictions may ease some more and we will be able to do more together as a church. Also, in order for there to be Sunday services at St. Luke's there will be some new measures we need to put in place that we don't normally do. For example if the numbers allowed at any one service are restricted (possibly to 30), then it is likely that we will need 2 or 3 different services at different times on a Sunday with a team of volunteers for each one.

We have the beginning of a plan to make this happen and it may be that there will be the opportunity to attend a service in church on Sunday 5th July. However, as we are still waiting for the details of what is allowed it may be that we will delay it for a week, until 12th July, to ensure everything is set up and properly in place.

We are aware as well that there will be a number of people unable or unhappy about returning to church whilst there is still the possibility of infection from Covid-19. This is perfectly understandable. As a result we will continue to ensure there are online services available throughout the summer, either pre-recorded or livestreamed. Indeed, we hope to continue with this indefinitely!

In the coming week or two we will be in contact to ask people to let us know (probably via questionnaire) what they plan to do about attending church services, what times they are happy to attend and whether they can help with a volunteer role. Please do respond promptly when you receive that so that we can begin to turn plans into action and welcome people to gather together!

Prayer Requests

Be assured I will do my best to check that people are happy for the requests to be shared before including them. Please pray for:

  • Nathan. Give thanks that he is now clear of cancer cells. Pray for wisdom for the doctors as they consider possible treatment to stop the cancer recurring.
  • Gordon Warren is in the hospice for a few days so that they can get his pain management under control. Pray that this will be effective and that he and June would gain much needed rest.
  • Pam Morecroft, who went into hospital on Tuesday
  • Joy Smithers going into Westbrook House today for a stay to receive physiotherapy.
  • Joy Ovenden and Shirley Crabb who are in a lot of pain with their hips.

  •  Gloria's daughter's friend, Barb, who has just been diagnosed with having pancreatic cancer. Please pray for peace and healing at this time.
  • Chantal Swallow and family after the death of her dad. Pray for comfort, support and strength at this time as they come to the funeral on 6th July.
  •  Mitch Styles that he will be relieved from his severe anxiety.
  •  Wisdom as we plan for the church returning to services in the building in July.

Prayer from Church of England for during Lockdown:

Keep us, good Lord,
under the shadow of your mercy.
Sustain and support the anxious,
be with those
who care for the sick,
and lift up all
who are brought low;
that we may find comfort
knowing that nothing can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Notices in Brief...

Going Deeper with God. A number of people who filled in the recent questionnaire said they would be interested in exploring the Christian faith in more depth over the coming months. To help plan to make this possible, I have developed a very short questionnaire with various options to see what people really want to look at and when they might be available. If you are interested please check out the questionnaire:

I want to explore in more depth

Giving to help set up live streaming of services. Many thanks to all those who have made donations to help with this. There has been a fantastic response and we have already ordered and purchased some equipment to make this possible. Please do pray as we seek to set this up in the coming months that it will enable us to maintain our online presence effectively in the long term.

Zoom after the service: It's great to meet and catch up after the service on Sundays. Do join us if you can at 11:30am. Just click the button below:

After Church Zoom Meeting

Links of the Week: 

An example of someone using their gifts and hobby for the good of others.

Interesting suggestions on dealing with debt and the present economic crisis.

Don't forget to join us on YouTube this Sunday (Video should be available from 6am on Sunday).

Yours in Christ,


St. Luke's Website