February 2021 News from Core Virtues

February, when we celebrate both Presidents' Day and Black History Month, is a great time to focus on the civic virtues of justice and honesty, love of country, and loyalty.  We've chosen to spotlight justice in our blog and in many of our new book recommendations this month. The virtue of "giving the other his/her due" is much on the national conscience right now, and has been a historic quest:  whether in the form of justice for women, African-Americans, labor, or many of the new immigrant groups that have come to our shores.  Be sure to check out our new suggestions on the February page, as well as our Presidents' Day  and Black History Month recommendations.

Hero for February


In a month when we spotlight both justice and Black History, can we think of a better hero than Justice Thurgood Marshall - the nation's first African American Supreme Court Justice? From his high-spirited youth to his relentless activism for civil rights, Marshall's life story intrigues and inspires.  Read more here.

Civics Initiatives


The recent civil discord in our nation has prompted many schools to fortify their civics component. For a treasure trove of resources, check out https://www.civicsrenewalnetwork.org/ with its apropos motto:  "A Republic If We Can Teach It." Schools using the Core Knowledge Sequence already have a huge leg-up on civics literacy. The program's rich World and American History strands spotlight the quest for human rights and civil rights from the Code of Hammurabi to the U.S. Constitution to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  Core Knowledge presents this in summary form at  https://www.coreknowledge.org/curriculum/history-geography/civics-and-ckhg/ 


No scholar has been more eloquent about the connection between education in a republic and citizenship than E.D. Hirsch, Jr.  Hirsch's pathbreaking article, "A Sense of Belonging:  Our Schools Are Educating Over-Achievers, but Not Citizens"​  provides outstanding summary insight into our current dilemma.  His full length book, How to Educate a Citizen, makes the case for elementary schools stepping into the breach to teach key content in history, geography, and civics to create commonality from our multi-ethnic reality.

Telling Our Stories


“The arc of the moral universe is long,
but it bends toward justice." 
Martin Luther King Jr.
All of us love that quotation from America’s foremost civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  It lifts our spirits in moments of darkest doubt.  But is it true?  Does the arc of the moral universe bend toward justice? Read More...