
What a great email. Listen Audible.​ That is what I said when I looked it over and thought about sending it to you! What a great email. Entirely a privilege to meet with you in your home. Possibly early in the morning when the house is quiet? Or maybe you sneak a peek on your phone while waiting at a traffic signal. Could be your a night owl and relish the silence of the night. Well where ever we meet, thank you. In all the In-all's of the week, I am most excited to bring my pen to you through the vehicle of podcasting. What a superb idea to fit into your busy schedule reading my blog posts to you in all your comings and goings. Great practice for me as I am organizing the project of recording an Audible (TheUnFinishedBook). So, now I can imagine joining you for coffee in your kitchen, or on the ride home from work, perhaps waiting to pick up your kids at school. I can imagine it! Saturday and Sunday have many ta do's for most of us, I'm sending you blessings. Imagine how it travels from my voice to your ear/eye. I'm writing using Grammarly on my Mac computer, in my office with a lovely view of autumns bounty. I snapped and posted the picture. I hit "send" and the message travels cyberly to a satellite over 143 miles into space. I looked that up on google. Science2,O and clipped the weblink below. I imagine my message rumbles or bounces through some "satellite" nuts and bolts and is kicked out, at almost light speeds and swooshes to a cell tower close to you and pops into your device. Well, that's how much I know about the path of technology. Smiles. So, let's treasure the moment of the wonders of communication and have another cup of coffee and remember your day has been blessed, Amen. thanks for following my pen.

You're in for a treat here! Last Sunday I shared with my Ekklesia...

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I was rounding the exhausting bend of editing with many questions about...

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I relish the eyes of my "coffee" cup with the same memory as witnessing...

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#Hashtag follow the fun 

#KristenWambachcom #CoInclusioninChrist #PinkbyKristenWambach #Page93byKristenWambach #TheUnFinishedbook   


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