Phillip Island Business Network - November Update

Morning Tea with the PIBN Committee

Where: The Nobbies Centre, 1320 Ventnor Rd, Summerlands

When: Thursday 24th November at 9.30am 

Join us for a beautiful morning tea at the Nobbies. Meet your new committee and network with your fellow PIBN members. 

9.30am Morning Tea Served

10.30am Morning Tea Finish 

Thanks to Phillip Island Nature Parks and Create Catering for generously hosting this event for PIBN. 

Cost: FREE - RSVP is essential please email: [email protected]

RSVP for November Morning Tea

PIBN Christmas Party 

The PIBN Christmas Party is shaping up to be a fabulous afternoon out! Lock it in your diary and grab tickets for yourself and your team ASAP. We are limited with our numbers, particularly for the boat cruise.

Friday 9th December 

4.30pm - Meet at Cowes Jetty for a 1 hr boat cruise

6pm - Live Music and some formalities back at the North Pier Hotel

Come for both or just the boat/party. We've tried to keep it flexible to suit a wider range of attendees.

Big thanks to our generous hosts Wildlife Coast Cruises and the North Pier Hotel.

Costs: Boat Cruise $50pp Live music at North Pier $25pp

Purchase tickets here:

Buy Tickets PIBN Christmas Function

Help us plan for 2023 

As a membership body, we are run by our members and for the benefit our members. That's you! Your feedback will help us to plan a fantastic 2023. This survey contains less than 10 quick questions and only takes 2-3 minutes to complete. 

2023 Planning Survey

⭐Member Spotlight ⭐

PIBN Private FB Group