This Sunday

22nd March 2020

"For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven

is my brother and sister and mother."

Matthew 12:50

This last week has probably been one of the most dramatic in my lifetime. Almost every activity I am involved in and my children are involved in has been cancelled. For many of you the same is true and even if it isn't you are no doubt facing profound changes to your plans and your way of life in the coming few months. 

It is important to recognise that such dramatic changes will effect us all emotionally and in different ways as we adjust to the new and uncertain future. I guess as well, that we will all want to focus on what is unchanging and secure.

This Sunday is Mothering Sunday. For most of us as we grow up our mothers are an important and secure focus in our lives. Always there to support us when need be and comfort us during times of upset. It is right that even in these difficult times we don't forget to give thanks for and where possible to our mothers.

But as Christians we have an even more secure and permanent source of security and comfort. When we choose to live as God's people and trust in Christ's saving power, then we gain the amazing privilege of entering a new family, where God is our Father and Jesus is our big brother. 

So during these uncertain and dramatic times, let's not forget to turn again to our Father in heaven and lets celebrate the new family we have in Jesus. In particular as well as caring for our earthly families, lets keep up as best we can our relationships with our church family and ensure they too are cared for.

Last Sunday: If you missed last weeks talks on Flourishing Love (Matthew 5:28-38), then you can listen here.

Weekly Focus: Sundays Online


This Sunday there is no service in church, but we are going to publish a service on video. It would be really great if everyone could watch it together at 10:30am. We are hoping to make it interactive, so you can sing along and say the prayers with others. Also, we want to include as many different and familiar faces as possible as well as a sermon.

In order to watch the service you can either go to the St. Luke's website or you can watch it via YouTube (type in "St. Luke's Church Ramsgate" to the YouTube search bar to find the new St. Luke's channel or use this link). I've already put a short video on both the YouTube channel and the website so you can check that you can access it. You will be able to find Sunday's service in the same place by 10:30am on Sunday morning (and for the rest of Sunday).

It would be great to have a number of different people appearing in the video. Please do send in either a video of you saying a short prayer or of you saying something like, "Happy Mother's Day!" or similar. You can send to "Paul Worledge" on Facebook messenger or WhatsApp (07769 871520) or upload to Wetransfer or similar and send me the link ([email protected]). Please send them to me by Saturday 1pm.

This is a whole new way of doing church, so please pray that it works well and can be an encouragement and support to as many of us as possible.

Notices in Brief...

As we are not meeting there is no notice sheet, but we will use this email to update you of key developments and ideas. We will also be seeking to deliver a paper version of this email to the few people who attend St. Luke's and who are not on email. Do let us know of anyone you know who needs it delivered that way.

Open Church: Although we are not allowed to hold services in church, we are allowed - for the time being - to have the church open. I therefore plan to open the church up twice a day for private prayer. Anyone is welcome to come in to sit by themselves for prayer, but they must be 6ft (2m) from anyone else. The church will be open 8:30-9:30am and 4:30-5:30pm.

Food Bank: In the present circumstances there are concerns that some may be isolated and unable to access food. I am hoping that we as a church can offer support to help the Ramsgate Salvation Army food bank grow to be able to support people at this difficult time.

We will need:

  • Donations of food - probably best taken directly to Ramsgate Salvation army between 10am to 12noon.
  • Volunteers to help package and distribute / deliver the food.
  • Volunteers to distribute leaflets to household so that everyone knows how to access it.

Plans are developing and the needs are constantly changing. But if you think you could help in any of these ways in the coming weeks, then please do let me know and I'll be in touch!

Clearly many people's minds are on other things this week. If, however, you haven't yet completed the questionnaire, then please do so by the end of March, so we have your views as we consider the way ahead for St. Luke's and St. George's in central Ramsgate after the present crisis. You can post paper copies to St. Luke's Vicarage, St. Luke's Avenue, Ramsgate, CT11 7JX.

Complete the Questionnaire

Link of the Week: 

Pandemics are nothing new! Christians have faced much worse situations in the past and the church has flourished. Read this short reflection from the Bible Society...

Coronavirus: Lessons from our Past

See you online on Sunday!

Yours in Christ,


St. Luke's Website