Services Training Blog

From our Team 

Service Highlight: Pre-Purchase Inspection Assessment


Your house is one of the largest investments you'll make. An adult care home is not your standard residential home. It is a business in your home and with that comes State, county and local government regulation.

Our Pre-Purchase Inspection Assessment is a highly-specialized service we offer in partnership with our sister business Care Construction NW. We want to assist future providers with the guidance they need with one of their largest investments. This service is beyond the scope of your home inspector and includes:

  • Inspection of the home to both determine and document if work was done to the house, and to determine if it's a good fit to be converted into an adult foster care home. 
  • Livability and safety assessment to determine options for livability for residents and the live-in provider and a fire and life safety assessment.
  • Permit history verification to determine if any work was possibly done without permit based on the findings of the inspection.
  • Professional recommendation and report based on adult foster care home requirements, building code, and remodeling options. 

See our Pre-Purchase Inspection Assessment service for more information. Email us at [email protected]​ if you have any questions.  

Ask Alyssa


"Does my care home need a website?"

​I often have new clients ask this question. You don't necessarily need a website, but you do need a web presence.

I’d like to give you five reasons why you need an online presence that showcases you and your adult care home, and I'd like to provide some low-cost/free options for doing so.​

  1. It’s part of your overall marketing plan. This is your passion, but it is also your business. You need a marketing plan, and you can’t ignore the fact that an online presence is an important marketing tool.
  2. It lends you some credibility. In this day-and-age, if nobody can find your business online, they can become a bit skeptical about your business. It's important to have some level of a web presence.   
  3. Families are looking online for housing options for their loved ones. You want to make it as easy as possible for people to find information about your care home and your contact information.
  4. It gives people a personal connection to you, as a provider, and your home. A web presence give you a forum to post photos of yourself and give information about your approach to providing care, and why you chose to go into this business. You can also post beautiful pictures of the inside and outside of your home, and offer any details that might be of interest to people looking to move to your adult care home.
  5. It gives you a forum to post client testimonials. Let people know about the great care you provide by posting client and family testimonials (while always keeping confidentiality in mind).

How do you create a web presence without spending a fortune? You can create a simple, low-cost website using Wix or Weebly or use free services such as Laria Care Finder which is an online listing where you can add detailed information about your home. If you're in Multnomah County, be sure to update your information on the Adult Care Options site (Multnomah County only).

Additionally, you can create a Google My Business account to be found through Google searches and on Google Maps. You can also create a Facebook business account, which is an excellent option to engage with others and showcase the great services you provide at your adult foster care home.   

"Marketing is really just about sharing your passion.

- Michael Hyatt (author and marketing expert)​​

Upcoming Training


June 2022 Course Bundle

We are offering a discounted price for our June course bundle, which includes:

  • June 2022 Full EQC course (EQC Essentials plus AFH Administration)
  • Pre-Service Dementia Training
  • Free Info. Session: Opening a Care Home in Oregon

Register for this bundle and save $30.00.

Register for the June 2022 Bundle

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