weekly Newsletter 31st May 2020

thy kingdom come 


Thy Kingdom Come


This Sunday morning we'll be joining Christians from all over Cornwall in our Pentecost celebrations. As such there won't be a normal Sunday morning service from All Saints but instead we'll be encouraging everyone to head to St Martins in Liskeard, virtually of course, to celebrate Pentecost. Join us there.

There'll be more information on our facebook page and website ​before the service starts at 11am.


Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension Day (21 May) and Pentecost (31 May) for more people to come to know Jesus.

Praying for people to come to know the love, hope and peace found in Christ is at the heart of Thy Kingdom Come.

Daily Prayer for Thy Kingdom Come is a great way to set up regular, daily patterns of prayer to hold these people in prayer – whether you are doing so on your own, as a household, or joining with a small group or as a church virtually.

The resource is available in a range of offline and free online formats:

The free app for iOS and Android – containing audio for Morning, Evening, Day and Night Prayer from the booklet for all 11 days. The app has been updated with 2020 Sunday psalms and readings and a new feature that allows you to set reminders for any or all the services at times that suit you. Download for Android or iOS.

A podcast – featuring all eight hours of the Daily Prayer for Thy Kingdom Come audio is available on this page as well as via iTunes, Spotify and other podcast providers

19 Mercies: a spiritual retreat


You may wish to join us for  '19 mercies', a spiritual retreat.

It's not a course in the sense you have to start at week 1 and must travel to week 19. Think of it as a weekly pause that you can use when you want. Each week is self contained, and doesn't depend on anything that has gone before or will occur after. Each session is a kind of mini retreat, one hour (from 8pm to 9pm) in which we'll consider a passage of scripture and a short reflection from Brennan Manning's book Ragamuffin Gospel which includes 19 short readings. During the hour we'll spend some time listening to the reading, listening to scripture and then offering some of our thoughts of our own, finishing with prayer and silence.

If you would to join us then drop an email to Jeremy ([email protected]) for details of the zoom invitation and password.

Missed one of our online services? YOU CAN VIEW THEM ALL BY CLICKIng HERE


Acts 2.1-21

Psalm 104.26-36,37b* 1 Corinthians 12.3b-13

Collect Prayer

God, who as at this time taught the hearts of your faithful people by sending to them the light of your Holy Spirit: grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgement in all things and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort; through the merits of Christ Jesus our Saviour, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.​ Amen.


Giving - while we can't meet.

If you normally donate cash or cheques using the weekly collection or 

If you would like to setup a standing order please use the following details
Account name:        All Saints Church Highertown PCC.
Bank:                      Lloyds Bank, Boscawen Street,  Truro
Sort Code:              77 - 09 -12
​Account number:     2 9 4 1 9 2 6 0

If during this time you would like to make a one off gift to the church you may wish to use our Justgiving service by giving online using a debit/credit card or paypal account. Click on the link here to give to the church in this way.

Supporting Good mental & Spiritual health

Find simple ways to help deal with loneliness and isolation. 

  1. Pray. Light a candle, if safe, and pray for hope, faith and strength to keep loving and caring for each other during this time of struggle.
  2. Talk about how you feel. This may be difficult if you are self-isolating, but do use the telephone, internet, and social media. If you need to contact a counsellor this can be arranged by your GP, or via local agencies, or privately. The Samaritans are there 24 hours a day, every day, and it’s free to call them on 116 123.
  3. Focus on the things that you can change, not on the things you can’t.
  4. Look after yourself - physically, emotionally, spiritually. Plan in things that you enjoy at regular intervals during the day – a TV programme, a phone call, a book, a favourite dish, a game.
  5. Look after others. Even if only in small ways, but do what you can: a smile, a kind word, writing a letter or an email.


Care for those you are praying for, pray for those you are caring for

During these difficult and trying times, we believe that now more than ever, presents an incredible opportunity for the Church worldwide, to unite in prayer so that our family, friends and neighbours will come to know the love and peace of Jesus Christ for themselves. One of our Key themes for Thy Kingdom Come is prayer and care. As we are praying for those we love to come to know the hope and love of Christ we also are encouraging all to see how they can show God’s love towards them. By caring for them. Here are 5 ideas on how we can care and love those we know, even when we are socially distanced:

1. Keep up contact. Make a phone call, send an email, letter or card saying that you are praying for them at this time.

2. Keep an eye out for the anniversaries of life events. Make that phone call to let people know you care.

3. Send a small gift or book purchased on line, maybe insert life words etc.

4. Serve where you can in delivering groceries or medications.

5. Make sure the people you pray for know how much you value them by whatever means you can find.

church news and notices


We have soft launched a new website just for online content during the lockdown period. It is still in development but you can start to get a feel of what will be available from its pages. It will include recorded services, meditations, articles and sermons, along with links to all our social media channels. 

Morning Prayer

Each day Jeremy at All Saints Vicarage, and Janette at her Epiphany House residence will keep morning prayer. If you would like to join with us from home you can use the common worship website for the words and readings. If there is someone or a situation you would like us to hold in prayer please email either Jeremy at [email protected] or Janette at [email protected] Click Here

A shortened version of morning prayer will also be available as an audio recording each day by dialing into our dedicated phoneline 01872 306996. Phone and hear the daily readings, and call again on a Sunday and Saturday for the weekly sermon.

Items for prayer this week

We pray for those who have been infected by the corona virus as they struggle with its effects and being separated from loved ones.

We pray for one another as we are separated from loved ones by illness or lockdown.

We pray for those returning to work with the worry of abiding to social distancing and the greater risk of infection.

We give thanks and pray for those who are front line workers and carers who have had to continue to work and the worry and stress they continue to bear.

We pray for those who in one way or another have had to continue to work such as our police, our refuse collectors, delivery drivers, food store and power workers.

We pray for the many volunteers who run our foodbanks and others who deliver food and other essentials to the more vulnerable in our society.

We pray for those in authority who have to make difficult decisions about our safety versus trying to implement returning to a more normal life.

We pray for those whose jobs or businesses are under threat and the worry this brings.

We pray for teachers and parents in the difficult decisions they are making around keeping our young people safe as they start to return to school.

Father God, may we not serve your purpose unless we are open to each other;

Not care for each other unless we reflect your love;

Not dare to love like you unless we are glad to accept the cost and joy of discipleship as friends and followers of Jesus in whose name we pray. Amen

ENCOURAGing and resourcing

Meditations for Isolation


Photo by 周 辰曦 on Unsplash

The Ascension

24/05/2020 | Acts 1:1-11

I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power for us who believe, according to the working of his great power. God put this power to work in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the age to come. And he has put all things under his feet and has made him the head over all things for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. Amen.

Click here to listen or download.​


Everyone must stay at home to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

To stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), you should try to avoid close contact with anyone you do not live with. This is called social distancing.


    If you need medical help

    While everyone is being told to stay at home, it can be hard to know what to do if you're unwell.

    It's still important to get medical help if you need it, especially if you feel very unwell or think there's something seriously wrong.

    • If you have symptoms of coronavirus (a high temperature or a new, continuous cough), use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service.
    • If you need to contact a GP, use the GP surgery's website, use an online service or app, or call the surgery.
    • For urgent medical help, use the regular NHS 111 online service, or call 111 if you're unable to get help online.
    • For life-threatening emergencies call 999 for an ambulance.

    If you're advised to go to hospital, it's important to go. Keep going to any appointments you usually have, unless you're told not to.

    Read about how to get medical help from home.



    Vicar: Revd Jeremy Putnam  (01872 261944) 

    Curate: Revd Janette Mullett


    Simon Bray (07724 168789)       

    Jane Tomlinson (01872 273542)

    Staff Team

    Youth Leader: Alice Bevan (07450 997945)

    Operations Manager: Lucas Bostdorff (07511 214450)

    Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Irene Mortimore (07889 822951)

    Church Office Hours: Administrator- Kirsty Basram 

     [email protected]  (Mon 6-10 and 1-2.30, Thurs 8-4, Fri 8.30-11)

    Let's stay connected