May/June Newsletter

Hello! Selective Mutism H.E.L.P. will now be sending out Newsletters every other month. Each newsletter will feature a relevant podcast episode, schedule of upcoming events, a story of hope, an Ask Kelly section, and a research article. Please share with anyone you think could benefit! I'm hopeful this will be one more way to bring awareness to SM, bring hope to those that are going through this journey, and a way to learn new information about SM. 


Featured Podcast Episode

"Making the Most out of Summer Break"

In this 16 minute episode, you'll hear practical advice to keep momentum going throughout the summer and to help give your child the best start for the new school year.

Click below to listen on your favorite app or Ask Alexa:

Apple Podcast


Google Podcast


SM Help Website - Episode 19

Alexa: "Play Selective Mutism HELP Podcast, Episode 19"


Upcoming Events

June 6th

Free 20 Minute Coaching Sessions

Whether you are a past client, current client, looking to become an established client, or need a quick question answered, book a FREE 20-Minute Coaching Session with Kelly! Click HERE to schedule.

July 7th 12:00-1:30 Eastern Time Sound & Movement Webinar

During this free webinar, Kelly will explain how the Polyvagal Theory and Primitive Reflexes can help us have a better understanding of what our children are experiencing and why they are experiencing their mutism. She will also discuss the Sound & Movement Program and how it has helped those affected by Selective Mutism start gaining momentum towards overcoming it. Click HE RE for more information and to register.

Selective Mutism H.E.L.P. Summits on Sale in May!


Ask Kelly

"What is the BEST therapy option for a child with Selective Mutism?"

Just like our kids are individuals, I feel the BEST therapy option needs to be individualized for them. Some children do well with exposure therapy, some do well with sliding-in/fading in, some need to work from the inside out, some may need Occupational Therapy, some may need Chiropractic Care, some may need extrinsic rewards, others need intrinsic motivation, and some may just need the support from their parents and teachers.  It is important to understand the various treatment options and to choose based on the specific needs of your child. If you would like to discuss the various treatment modalities and what may be the BEST for your child, schedule a coaching consultation with me! 

Proof that Progress is Possible!

(names have been changed to protect identity)

Asher started his pre-kindergarten year being unable to speak to teachers or peers. Once Mom found out about SM, many of her questions were answered, but this was just the start of their journey. She called around to numerous psychologist offices who claimed to have experience with SM, but none of them seemed like the right fit. In early 2023, Mom started weekly coaching sessions with Kelly.  They talked through the importance of breaking down communication tasks into achievable steps. They worked on a reward system to help Asher become motivated to start stepping out of his comfort zone, and they started the Sound & Movement Program. In less than 4 months, Asher went from mute outside the home to being able to ask for a cookie at the bakery, verbally answer questions at the dentist, order his drink at a restaurant, and participate in class by raising his hand multiple times a day.  Progress is Possible!

To learn more about Coaching services, click HERE.

Lifetime Access to the Selective Mutism Foundation Conference available and on sale during the month of May!

Enjoy lifetime access to 12 amazing presentations about Selective Mutism. This conference was hosted by three parents of children with SM who have now become practitioners or researchers to help others with SM. 15% of all proceeds will be donated to the non-profit Selective Mutism Foundation to help further much needed research about SM.



Research Article

This article is written by Dr. Poling Bork who is the founder of the Selective Mutism Foundation. As a parent of three children with SM and her own history of SM, she has learned and continues learning how to support children with Selective Mutism. This article is titled "Using Play as a Key to Unlocking the Silence for Children with Selective Mutism." Enjoy!


Looking for a supportive community? The Selective Mutism H.E.L.P. Community of Support is a welcoming group for you to find support, ask questions, and to know that you are not alone. Join today!