
This Sunday

18th October 2020

Online: YouTube (from 6am Sunday)

Please register to attend In-Person using this link: Sunday 9:30am and 11:00am

On Zoom​: Sunday 11:30am until 13:00pm

"Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us,

that we may be saved."

(Psalm 80:3)

Last week we looked at a Psalm that asked, "How long?" It was a personal plea for help. This week we look at another Psalm with a similar question, but rather than being a personal plea it is a communal cry to God: not a prayer for "me", but a prayer for "us".

Back in March when we first faced the threat of a surge of covid-19 cases there was a sense of the community and nation coming together. Now with a second surge there is sadly much less consensus. As Christians it is very easy to become caught up in the arguments or blame games that surround us - particularly when we are personally put out by one policy or another.

Better, surely that we turn in prayer to God for our nation and our world. After all we know that our ultimate need is not the right government policy or even a vaccine, but a restored relationship with God. Once God's face shines upon us, everything else falls into place. So lets pray that our own faith is restored and revived and that many others turn to Christ at this time.

This Sunday, there will be Holy Communion at the 9:30am and a baptism at the 11am service in church. It does help us if you register online before attending, although you can normally just turn up. This week for the 11am service there is a chance that if you do not register you may not be let in. The service will also of course be available online as normal.

Quick Request: Does anyone have an old tablet that runs Android version 6.0 or above that they no longer need and can donate to the church? We need one to help run our new contactless payment system.

Please read on...

  • Prayer: Contributions for Sunday's service and lots of new prayer requests.
  • Care: Information about Tearfund's Big Quiz Night
  • Share: A recommended devotional app and online light party.

Video Clips for Sunday's Service:

Thank you to those who have already recorded clips for this Sunday's opener. It would also be good to have some clips recorded at home. It's simple and easy to do. Just record yourself saying this short line from Psalm 8:3

make your face shine on us, that we may be saved!

I need to have the videos by the morning of Friday 9th October (tomorrow). Please send them either by Whatsapp: 07769 871520 or WeTransfer to [email protected]

Prayer Requests:

Be assured I will do my best to check that people are happy for the requests to be shared before including them. Please pray for:

  • Give thanks that the online training run by Dick and Caroline Seed for those training for ministry in Tanzania was a success last week. Pray for similar initiatives to go ahead next year.
  • Give thanks for all the money that has been given so far for our Harvest Appeal (£1,050 at the last count) and also for all the food donated to the Food Bank.
  • Thanet Winter Shelter. Please pray for those planning how this can be run this winter with all the present restrictions.
  • Pray for our PCC meeting on Monday evening, especially as we discuss moving forward and developing the vision shared at the annual meeting.
  • Jean Simmons who has been taken to hospital from her care home this week.

  • Barb - Gloria's daughter's friend as she continues chemotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer

  • Evelyn (Audrey's sister), who has now moved into a care home that she will settle there happily and be well looked after.

  • Those struggling with deteriorating joints, especially those who are having to wait longer than normal because of the present crisis.
  • Julia Arnheim has asked for prayer for healing from long term health conditions, especially as she approaches her 50th birthday next Sunday. For those who may remember Julia, there is a picture of her and her son, Paul below:

On Saturday 14th November, 7:30pm I am hoping that we can host the Tearfund Big Quiz Night 'at St. Luke's'. This should be a great opportunity not only for people at St. Luke's to have fun and interact together, but also raise money for the work of Tearfund. We took part last year with a quiz in the hall, but this year the plan is to go online.

Last year I acted as quizmaster, but I am quite happy for someone else to have a go this year. It is quite easy to run as Tearfund provide all the questions, videos and support you need. If you'd like to have a go at being the quizmaster then get in touch and we can have a chat to see what is involved. If no-one volunteers by next Thursday, then I'll commit to running it.

So, put the date in your diary. Start thinking who to recruit for your team and join us on the 14th for a fun quiz!


Last Week's Talk: How long? - A Personal Cry.​ With the pandemic promising to drag out for at least another six months, we may well be feeling, "How long will it last?" In Psalm 6, David is suffering from a terrible illness and he cries out to God, "How long?" What can we learn from David's prayer? ​​

I am grateful for people making suggestions of links that they feel will benefit others in the church. Do let me know if you have any suggestions for what to include. The only criteria is that they are to help people in their Christian growth or encourage us about what God is doing around the world.

Daily Devotional App

Alison a new member at St. Luke's suggested this online resource as a great way to begin the day focussing on God:  Lectio 365 

Written by leaders from the 24-7 Prayer movement, and produced in partnership with CWR, this resource helps you engage with Scripture to inspire prayer and shape your life. It is an app you can download on your phone. If you haven't found a way to have a regular start to the day with God that works for you or fancy trying something different, then why not give this a go?

Online Light Party

James our administrator said his children really enjoyed an online holiday club run by a group called Pulse Children's and Youth Ministries. As we will not be able to do an in-person light party this year, then why not consider joining in with their online light party.  The video below introduces it, but you can also check out their website: www.pulseministries.org.uk

Remember to pray for our church and country to be restored by and to God.

Yours in Christ,

Paul Worledge 

Vicar, St. Luke's Ramsgate