
This Sunday

11th July 2021

Join us Online: 

Livestream 11th July, 11am

also available on YouTube afterwards

(same link as for the livestream)

or at St. Luke's Church in Person at 11am.

Last Sunday 53 people attended in person.

If you plan to come to in-person church please register!

(You can now book for services through to July 18th, you can either book one week at a time or both the services in one go. We'll take your most recent booking when drawing up the register. So you can always rebook to change what you have said you are doing.)

Register to attend

The Zoom chat on Sunday's is now at 10am!

Join to meet and chat with others before the Livestream.

Click this link to join the Zoom meeting.

"But because of his great love for us, God who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved." (Ephesians 2:4-5)

With the announcements of the lifting of restrictions on 19th July we face yet another change to the way we live our lives. For some this is a great moment of liberation, whilst for others there is great concern because of the rapidly rising numbers of infections. It is unclear, whether this is going to be a good change or a bad change for the country! Whichever, things will be different afterwards.

As Christians we believe that God has brought about a totally profound change in our lives. A change that is definitely for the better. Ephesians 2:1-10 shows us the before and after of this transformation. It reminds us of the deeper spiritual realities without Christ: 'we were dead in transgressions' and the wonderful new situation we have in Christ: a new life of salvation given to us freely and a new purpose to do good works.

What has caused this radically positive change? The central verses (2:4-5 - see above) tell us. It is God's love for us. More than that it is the power of a God who is able to raise even the dead to a wonderful new life. He did that physically in the resurrection of Christ and he has done that spiritually with all of us who have believed in Jesus. Now that is a change really worth celebrating!

Join us this Sunday. We will be looking at Ephesians 2:1-10, New Life

Please read on...

  • Prayer: The latest prayer requests. Weekday prayer meetings. Thanksgiving Service for Pam Morecroft.
  • Care: Host team members needed for Sundays and using iKnow.
  • Share: Find out about Roman Caserea and perspectives of a prison chaplain today.

Prayer Requests:

​​Be assured I will do my best to check that people are happy for the requests to be shared before including them. Please pray for...

  • Jeannette (Claudia's sister), who has now completed her course of chemotherapy and waiting for scan results. Please pray that the cancer has gone.

  • Rosemary Ebelthite's 16 year old grandson Eric in Auckland. Give thanks that he is improving and pray that this will continue.

  • Flo Baldock - now back home, but on antibiotics for a stomach infection. Please pray for healing.

  • Pauline Emptage waiting to hear from King's College Hospital about next steps for treating her back.

  • Nathan Court for his continuing treatment.

  • Katrina (Norah's daughter). Give thanks that the cancer has been removed and pray for a good recovery from the operation.

  • Friends of Pam Morecroft who died recently. See below for details of a Thanksgiving Service for her at St. Luke's.

Please also continue to pray for: Jean Mayton, Shirley Crabb, Collette Judge, Barb (Gloria's daughter's friend), Jean Simmons, Rita Ryan and Joy Smithers.

Daily Prayer Meetings

It has been great to start meeting regularly to pray together at St. Luke's and St. George's. So far we have had 4 or 5 at each meeting. These last  around 30 minutes. This week the meetings are:

Monday, 9:30am - In St. Luke's Church

Tuesday, 9:30am - No meeting this week.

Thursday, 9:30am - In St. Luke's Church

Saturday, 9:30am - In St. George's Church

During these daily prayer meetings, we will be following the Church of England set readings for morning prayer:

Fri. 9th: Psalm 139 - Ezekiel 8 - 2 Corinthians 4

Sat. 10th: Psalm 121 - Ezekiel 9 - 2 Corinthians 5

Mon. 12th: Psalm 126 - Ezekiel 10:1-19 - 2 Corinthians 6:1-7:1

Tue. 13th: Psalm 132 - Ezekiel 11:14-end - 2 Corinthians 7:2-end

Wed. 14th: Psalm 119:153-end - Ezekiel 12:1-16 - 2 Corinthians 8:1-15

Thu. 15th: Psalm 143 - Ezekiel 12:17-end - 2 Corinthians 8:16-9:5

You could use these as a set of readings for yourself each day, even if you cannot join us.

Thanksgiving Service for Pam Morecroft:

This service will now be on Tuesday 13th July at 2:30pm. All those who knew her at St. Luke's are welcome to attend. There is planned to be refreshments provided, so if you could let me know you are coming by Sunday, that would help to plan for how many refreshments.


Rebuilding Host Teams

As mentioned during last Sunday's service, we are looking to build up a new 'Host Team' of volunteers to welcome people to church and provide some basic hospitality after the service (possibly from 25th July). If you would like to be a part of such a team, then please let me know:

  • What roles you would be willing to do.
  • How frequently you are happy to help.

Also, please either use iKnow (see below) to say when you are not available or give me the dates you are not available, so that we can start putting together a rota.

Using iKnow

We are still moving our database over to iKnow. People's details will only be visible to the administrator, vicar and curate. When you receive your email please do create your password and log on to iKnow to check (and update) your details. It will be nice if you can add a picture of yourself.

For those with children, it is really helpful if you can add your children and their details to the database ready for restarting children's groups in September. Be warned you have to add the child's name and key details first, then go back and edit to add other details such as emergency contacts and tick the permissions to allow them to attend.

If you are on any teams in church it is really helpful if you can add the dates when you are unavailable, so that you won't be put on a rota for those weeks.

Finally, you can download the iKnow app. from either the Apple app store or Google Play. Search 'iKnow Church.' You then need to give the code for St. Luke's church, which is: 71547450 and use your email and password to log in. The app gives you access to what's coming up at church, your rotas if you are on a team and podcasts of our recent sermons. It also gives you an easier way to add the dates you are unavailable.

Log in to iKnow

Arrange to meet Paul

If you would like to have a chat with me at some point soon, then you can book a 60 minute meeting by clicking the link below. I have now extended the dates you can book until 20th July, but do book for sooner rather than later!

Arrange to meet Paul

Last Week's Talk:

Prayer for Enlightenment (Ephesians 1:15-23) - Available Online

As Paul seeks to encourage his readers to see the big picture of what they have in Christ, he tells them that he prays that they will truly grasp the amazing access to God’s power they have in Christ.

St. Luke's Stories

Do remember to send in personal stories, poems etc. to share with others. Why not have a look at what is already there? 

Videos and Blogs

Christianity in Roman Caeserea

Our children's talks are looking at some stories in Acts. This video gives a great little insight into life in Roman times in one of the towns that features in the story of Acts.

Christianity in Prison

A lovely reflection on working with people in prison from a prison chaplain.

Finally, let's keep rejoicing in the change God has made to our lives.

Yours in Christ,

Paul Worledge 

Vicar, St. Luke's Ramsgate
