
Butterfly Mystical Fantasy New Moon


Continuance is change.

Change… do you wonder?  The one constant in life.  As I was looking at Linda’s photos (https://www.earthspiritphotography.net), and choosing Medwyn Goodall’s Healing Resonance (https://medwyngoodall.com) as the background music for this video, I watched imagry of overlapping time happening…

  • work with the llamas now evolved in to our horses
  • time co-creating ritual for the Ancestors of the Land in Hawaii has transformed into portal guardianship
  • community and many moments of celebration - SpiralDancing returning to self-paced community work that’s bringing us even closer together and stronger (https://www.yraceburu.org/spiraldancing-life)
  • remembering faces now through the veil.

Change.  I find great comfort in the knowledge that I can depend on it, and still find a supporting and nurturing flow.  Everything re-turns and everything changes simultaneously.  We all grow and choose.  Continuance is change.

chajala naaiisha ashne ate… we are love always healing complete


Self-Paced Reg Open Yr Round


in the Heart of the Moon - September


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A Rite of Respect - October


Mythology & Healing Ceremony - August


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This Lunar Cycle of Energy is the Time of the Butterfly


Color & Connect

When I was a kid my dad was in the military overseas.  One of my first memories was that when he would come he would take me out on a BUTTERFLY HUNT.  Later, when he'd be back in Asia, my oldest cousin would take me out on the same type of day… asking me later where I would find them, what they ate…  and hours of watching.

Butterflies are the supreme metaphor of change.  Our children's lodge was called the Butterfly Lodge, and the beginnings of the traditional EarthLife always began there with stories, simple responsibilities in ceremony that amounted to being water dispersers for the team/players/dancers.  Each year we grew, another layer added to who we were.

Change was the structure, and yet we were taught it was gentle when we stayed in the flow.  This then is what the Butterfly Moon brings us as we approach the harvest.  Relax and be amazed at the changes you see in yourself and others.  Celebrate as children, and smile as you move forward into all that you can be.


SpiralDancing Life: Cyclic Questions to Ask Ourselves

  • What do I really like to do?
  • Do I extend myself in service to others because I love to, without attachments or expectation?
  • What do I need NOW at this point on my path?
  • Who is to say what is right for me?

One of the many teachings & services we provide


Daily Affirmations to Balance


Each morning we would climb the cliffs.  I would sit and watch for signs from nature of confirmation while Grandpa would express his love to the Sacred Parents.  One day it became my turn, and the wind blew so that I thought I would fall.  Grandpa told me that as I calmed my inner fears, the wind would also calm, and all things would work in harmony.  On days I miss my prayers, things do not work.  On days that I do them… there are miracles.  It's a good regime.

Morning affirmation said to Grandfather Sun: I helped arrange circumstances in life to help them be exactly the way they are at exactly this time, for a reason known only to Totality.  I am one of humanity's wild card children.  This is my gift to the world during this cycle.  I am a Tracker.

Evening affirmation said to Grandmother Moon: I am not required to experience anything more difficult than I already have experienced.  I have completed, accomplished, the most difficult part of my transformation.  The rest of the way "is a breeze blowing my hair as I run free."  I enjoy my transformation, enjoy the return to my real identity, my Sacred Self. I am greatly pleased at the completion of this particular phase of my evolution.  Now on to higher and finer frequencies.  I look forward to this facet of my development.  I am love and connection.

This then ends another good day in my life.

And so our affirmations ease life, helping us transcend the call to return to judgment.  They make clear what what this life is giving me…

  1. Self Love;
  2. the ability to drop adversity;
  3. use my anger properly as a facilitator of change; and
  4. my life and living is my service to the spirit of Mother and Totality.
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