We apologize for sending the newsletter twice. This revised copy has the corrected date of September 20 for Iona Healing Prayer and a fixed link.

Rhythms Newsletter

September 2018

We are embraced by arms that find us

even when we are hidden from ourselves.

We are touched by fingers that soothe us

even when we are too proud for soothing.

We are counseled by voices that guide us

even when we are too embittered to hear.

We are loved by an unending love.

Rabbi Rami Shapiro

Mystic of the Month: Rabbi Rami Shapiro

Rabbi Rami M. Shapiro is widely recognized as one of the most creative figures in contemporary American Judaism. A graduate of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, he also holds a Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Union Graduate School. An award-winning poet, liturgist, and essayist, his prayers are included in worship services across the denominational spectrum of American congregations. http://www.rabbirami.com/


Sing and awake.
Sing the never-before sung,
sing a new song
to God,
from God,
as God.
I still my mind
and calm my heart.
I soften my breath
and fill my belly with air.
I hold that fullness in tension
to be released only when the spirit moves.
My breath is transformed
from silence to sound,
from mystery to music
and back to mystery again.
For breath is the conduit to God,
and song the sound of breath in love.

Rabbi Rami Shapiro Minyan: Ten Principles For Living a Life of Integrity



New lights are being installed on the paths between the parking lot and the retreat house. As the days get shorter, this will help to light up brick pathways for before dawn prayers and after dusk retreat house events. We will minimize electrical usage by having them on only in the hours when visitors are using the retreat house.


Spiritual Directors Day Away

Monday, September 10

Pathways offers a Day Away for spiritual directors of all denominations each second Monday of the month, September through May. The day begins with brief morning prayers at 9:00, followed by several hours of Sabbath time to enjoy the woods and trails, walk the labyrinths, or find a nook to journal, read, and pray. The afternoon provides time for conversation and connecting with other directors, ending at 2:00. Bring your own lunch; microwave and refrigerator available.

Register for a full package (9 sessions, $150 prepaid) or a half package (4 sessions, $80 prepaid). Establish a regular rhythm of monthly retreats or come when you can. For more information, contact Sally Weaver Glick.

 Register here...


Bird Walks

Sunday, September 16, 4pm

sunday, october 14, 4pm

Joined skilled birder, Annie Aguirre for a walk through Pathways for bird identification and observation. Bird walks will vary in length from 1-1 ½ hours due to bird activity. Bring binoculars if you have them. Meet under Pathways Welcome Archway. More information...


Listening Together

Mondays, 7-8:30pm

We are an open and ever evolving group practicing together the contemplative and compassionate life in Christ. We meet from 7-8:30 pm on Mondays at Pathways Retreat. In August and September we will be reflecting on J. Philip Newell's book, One Foot in Eden: A Celtic view of the stages of life. Read more...


Wisdom of the Body

Monthly Series

Begins October 13

A Contemplative Journey to Wholeness, drawing from the resource: The Wisdom of the Body: A Contemplative Journey to Wholeness for Women by Christine Valters Paintner

Christine Valters Paintner invites us to journey with her in discovering the depths of wisdom that our bodies have to offer us. In this journey, Paintner includes wisdom from women of the past and present as well as prayers, scripture, poetry, practices, movement and creativity.

Saturdays from 9am-noon: Oct. 13, Nov. 3, Dec. 1, Jan. 5, Feb. 2, Mar. 2, Apr. 13, May 4

Register now...

September Calendar

Mondays 7-8:30pm
Tuesdays 7:30-8am
Thursdays 7:30-8am
Fridays 8-8:30am
Thursday, September 20, 7pm
Monday, September 10, 9am-2pm
Sunday, September 16, 4pm

Visit Our Site

Pathways Retreat is a spiritual retreat center for

Rest, Reflection and Renewal.


Linda Lehman Thomas

Evan Miller

Julie Stegelmann