Newsletter Jan. 2021


Jan 2021

Thanks for your loyalty to Elevation Sight & Sound - here's a special present for you!

Hello everyone - Paul Jenkins here, and a Happy New Year to all.   I hope everyone's holiday season was fun, even though we all were enduring such tumultuous, and tragic, events as we closed out a most difficult 2020. To one and all!  Let's hope for a brighter, and more unified, 2021.  

I wanted to send a brief newsletter, to start the year afresh, and send out a big thank you for your business and support of Elevation Sight and Sound.

2020 was an eventful and busy year at Elevation Sight and Sound. Word is getting around about our great service, solid product lineup, and helpful and knowledgeable advice - and I have you to thank for that, and all those who have told their friends about us.

Because of that kindness, and our appreciation for you and your loyalty to Elevation Sight and Sound, and the support over the years, for the month of January, we are offering a "Friends and Family" accomodation on any items we currently carry in our line up, which is growing as we go (certain restrictions do apply, so please inquire).  

Also, as mentioned, we are expanding our lineup, so if there is something that you are interested in that does not show up in our line up currently, please don't hesitate to give a ring, or send me an email with the details.  I/we will do our best to help.

(You might be surprised how generous we are with this sale. Give us a call to find out details!)

TREAT YOURSELF this season!


As we close out this newsletter and start 2021, I wish you a fantastic New Year full of great fun, great health, great food, great family time, and (hopefully) great audio!

And from the bottom of my heart, thank you again for your support over the years. Contact me any time with any questions, etc, and do stay safe, and healthy, as we move forward.

Questions? Itching to try out some new gear? We've got ideas! Reply to this email, or call us today at (435) 602-3689 

My best always,

Paul Jenkins

[email protected]

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