Pathways Rhythms

April 2020

Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth

find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.

There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature—

the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.

― Rachel Carson (1907-1964), Silent Spring

Hospitality in a Time of COVID-19

One of Pathways Retreat’s values is hospitality, the generous treatment of guests. Part of hospitality is recognizing when the generous treatment of guests means setting boundaries – to say, “It is in your best interest that we welcome you at a later time.”
It is with this spirit of hospitality and following the Governor’s orders, that the co-directors have decided to close the retreat house and cottage to guests through April 6, at which time the closure will be reviewed. It is our intention and hope to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community. The trails and labyrinths on our 17 acres of land remain open. We ask that guests mindfully practice physical distancing.
Recognizing the importance of prayer and community in this time of uncertainty, morning prayers will continue virtually Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8:00. Pathways normal rhythm of prayer includes a monthly healing prayer service as prayed at the Iona Abbey in Scotland. Beginning Monday, March 30, Pathways will offer this prayer weekly from noon – 12:30pm via zoom. Links for these prayers are below. Please contact a co-director if you have technical problems accessing prayers.

Join Us for Virtual Prayers

Iona Healing Prayer
Mondays, 12-12:30pm

Contemplative Sit

Tuesdays, 8-8:30am
Join virtually here:

Lenten Visio Divina

Wednesdays during Lent, February 26-April 8, 8:00-8:45am
Join virtually here:

Centering Prayer

Thursdays, 8-8:30am

Join virtually here:


Iona Healing Prayer
Mondays, 12-12:30pm

Contemplative Sit

Lenten Visio Divina
Wednesdays during Lent, February 26-April 8

Centering Prayer

Creation Prayer
The entire prayer time is outside (so dress accordingly);
Participants observe physical distancing, standing at least 6 feet apart during the gathering times.

Wisdom School
Postponed through April 6

Stations of the Cross
April 5-11
 Virtual walk available through the website.

Spiritual Directors Day Away*
Monday, April 13

Stations of the Resurrection
April 12-May 30
Virtual walk available through the website. 

Monday, April 20

Write Your Spiritual Autobiography*
Fridays, May 15 – June 5

*Registration Required
Questions?  Ask them online or call 574.202.2864


Iona Healing Prayer

Pathways normal rhythm of prayer includes a monthly healing prayer service as prayed at the Iona Abbey in Scotland. Beginning Monday, March 30, Pathways will offer this prayer weekly from noon – 12:30pm via zoom.


Mark Your Calendars: Stations

An annual Pathways favorite!

Stations of the Cross: April 5-11

Stations of the Resurrection: April 12-May 30

This year our long-time tradition of the Station of the Cross and Resurrection will be available two different ways.

1. On our Website

Photos of the artwork and accompanying meditation will be on our website so you can “walk the stations” in your own home. Stations of the Cross will be available during Holy Week, April 5-11. Stations of the Resurrection will be posted the whole Easter season, from April 12 through May 30.

2. In our Woods

Because the Stations are well-dispersed along the main trail located on 10 acres of land and because being outdoors is good for the soul, the Stations will be placed in the woods as they normally are with the same dates noted above. This year, however, there are significant changes.

  • Staff will not be there to greet you as they normally do (as much as they’d like to!).
  • A golf cart will NOT be available this year.
  • Rather than a physical guestbook, you will be invited to “sign in” by text or phone call.
  • Everyone is asked to keep at least 6 feet away from all other guests. If your household chooses to walk the stations together, please be mindful that all members of your household stay together and away from other individuals/groups.

Whether you choose to walk the stations online or in the woods, there is no cost. However, donations made through our website or placed in the donation box attached to the retreat house, are gratefully received.


Write Your Spiritual Autobiography

Dates: Fridays, May 15, 22, 29, June 5

Time: 9:30-11:30am

Location: Pathways Retreat

Cost: $120 for all four sessions. Space for 5-8 people

To register contact Janet Elliott, 574-536-8860

Do you want to learn a new way of seeing?

To write a spiritual autobiography is to learn a new way of seeing as we become sensitive to the hidden work of God. Anyone can write a spiritual autobiography because God is active in each of our lives.

Why write in a group?

Writing is best done in the company of others who are engaged in the same task. We share with, encourage, motivate, and affirm one another during the writing process. In this 4-session retreat, you will sharpen your memories, make new friends, and learn more about the meaning of your life as God’s footprints are identified within it.

Janet Elliott is a certified Guided Autobiography Instructor, retired educator and literary specialist, published author and writing coach, certified Healing Caregiver, harp player, and resident of Goshen.


Pathways Retreat is a spiritual retreat center for

Rest, Reflection and Renewal.


Linda Lehman Thomas

Evan Miller

Julie Stegelmann