

Aug / Sept 2020 - #14

Kia Ora and Welcome.

As some of you may know, over the past year I have sent out a regular email called 'News Flash'. This was started as an experiment in ministry and it went very well. Through listening and contemplation (thanks for the feedback), the name has now changed to Connection and is going to sent out as a bi-monthly email. As always feel free to send me any ideas and constructive feedback.
​​Hopefully Connection brings us together in faith as we all celebrate on the 8th of August and beyond. ~ Much love, Jane​


God Loves Us All

Happy Feast day on August 8th to our St Mary MacKillop. I hope Mary's words and this illustration bring connection with our God that holds us all today.

"Be kind towards each other, bear with each other, bear with the faulty as you hope God will bear with you. God loves us all..."

> ​Read on & view the illustrations...


Cartoon fundraising for Fiji

As a second image I have also partnered with Mary MacKillop Today to produce a cartoon based on Mary's four words. This is being used as a fundraising activity / a children’s colouring in competition. All funds will go to the Mobile Kindy in Fiji. Watch a video about this program here and read more about the program here. More on the latest blog post too.

> MMK Today: Colouring Sheets
> MMK Today: Feast Day Resources for schools


Saint & Legend Cards

In celebration of Mary MacKillop's Feast day we have a 8% off sale in August for all our In-Stock Saint and In-Stock Legend cards. Perhaps create connection with someone and send a gift in the mail.

Saints In-Stock + Legends In-Stock

*Note: We have limited stock on hand + more Mary MacKillop cards coming next week.


Inspirational Things

Picture / Sound:
> Birdsong of Mexico, Central America & the Caribbean: Artists combine their beats with sounds of our endangered feathered friends. Proceeds go towards conservation efforts to save them.

> The Blind Woodsman: Crises, art and gratitude

> Encountering Silence: Podcast.

> Reflections: Br David on gratitude and joy.

> Sisters of MSJ - 60 Years: All episodes.

> WW2: The Nun who saved my life.

> Boaz shows us what Hesed looks like. 

> Media evangelisation & the “new normal".

> Talking with Catholic Girls about priesthood.

> #SendYourHug campaign: Connecting Elderly and Youth via the Vatican.


Ubi Caritas - Ola Gjeilo

It’s amazing what four musicians can create while standing in a stairwell. Give your heart and ears a gift of 3 minutes and soak up this incredible performance from Kings Return Music - remembering that God loves us all.

"Where charity & love are..."

Food For Thought

“God has no clock” ~ Sr Pat Malone rsj
“The Church is still learning to love us”
~ Fr Howard Gray SJ​
“Every creature, particularly a living creature, has intrinsic value, in its existence, its life, its beauty and its interdependence with other creatures”
~ Pope Francis

Connection is a bi-monthly email about art, spirituality, community & inspirational things. AMDG. ​Feel free to unsubscribe or share the love & forward this email to a friend. You have been signed up as a gesture of connection, kindness & inclusion.
~ Jane Maisey rsj