This Sunday

6th September 2020

" Let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together..."

(Hebrews 10:24-25)

Headline: On-line church to continue, but we will be having two services in church on a Sunday morning: 9:30am and 11:00am.

Let us know what you plan to do...

I hope you've had an enjoyable and refreshing summer. We as a family certainly had a good break.

This is the first of our 'This Sunday' emails after a summer break. I write in a rather odd context. Nearly six months ago, we were faced with a radical lockdown that meant we had to close our church services and switch to online services. That was a traumatic and challenging change and yet in some ways it was straightforward. All we could do was organise online services and speak on the phone and we were able to focus on those things. In a strange kind of way there was a certainty about what needed to be done - at least in the short term.

Our present context is, however, much more uncertain. We are caught in between lockdown and normality, with some restrictions still in place and people having a variety of attitudes and feelings about what they feel safe doing. 'In-person church' is possible, but not without social distancing, masks and no singing. Children are back in schools, but many people are still working from home. The future of the spread of covid-19 nationally and locally is also unclear with fears of a serious second wave and hopes that we can keep infection rates under control.

Yet, as a church want to continue spurring one another on. As God's family we long to gather together in the best way possible. As a church with many children and young people, we want them to know they are welcomed by Jesus (Matthew 19:14). As those serious about growing in Christ, we want all ages to be taught God's word clearly and effectively.

The answer to how we achieve these aims in these uncertain times will keep changing. Sometimes we will make mistakes. Always we will need to keep communicating with each other as clearly and carefully as possible.

Our main decision this week is to go to two services on a Sunday morning. We are doing this because we don't want people to turn up for 'in-person' church and be turned away, because we've reached our capacity with covid-19 restrictions. The services will be from 09:30am to 10:30am and 11:00am to 12:00pm.

Please let us know what you plan to do by clicking the button above or below. It will really help us in our planning to know when you plan to come and if you can volunteer to help etc. Even if you aren't planning to come back to church in September, then it will help us to know why so that we know what effect any changes in the present situation may have on attendance. We need responses by the end of Friday so we can plan teams of volunteers and lists for attendees.

The questionnaire is designed to be as short as possible with mainly multiple choice questions and only asking questions that are relevant to your plans. You should be able to be complete it in just a couple of minutes.

Let us know what you plan to do...

Also in this email:

  • Missed a recent talk?
  • Can children come to church?
  • Prayer Requests
  • Notices in Brief: Message from Lio, Ride and Stride, Community Pastors, annual meeting, Zoom Meetings
  • Links of the Week: Music, testimony and minecraft

Missed a recent talk?: Did you know that on our website there is a whole back catalogue of sermons. Now the series of talks on 1 Peter has finished, you can access all the talks here: 1 Peter. You can access each talk as a YouTube video, a podcast (sound only) or even read a transcript of the sermon.


Can Children come to church?

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14)

Children mattered to Jesus and they matter to us here at St. Luke's. We have tried to show that with our online services by always including children's songs and a children's talk with worksheets available to download from the website.

When it comes to 'in-person' church in the present circumstances the challenge is harder. Our response so far has been to set up eight tables around the church for families to sit at. The children can then be a part of the service, but are also able to work on the worksheets during the less child-friendly parts of the service. A few families have come and been a part of the service in this way, which has been fantastic.

However, it would be great to restart Sunday Club in some way. You will know that this week all children are expected to return to schools. The present restrictions also allow us now to have children's groups or youth groups connected with the church or during services. However, there can only be at most 15 children or young people in each group, social distancing measures should be observed and parents are not allowed to go out with the children, because of fears of adults mixing and spreading the virus. 

Unfortunately, the last point means that at present Play and Praise and Sparklers are not possible. However, Sunday Club for over 3s may be possible.

I have said that 20th September will be the earliest we will start Sunday Club, because we need a period of discussion and consultation to work out whether and how we can do this. Also, I suspect some people will want to focus on their children starting at school before considering children's groups at church.

I have already started consulting those who have volunteered as youth or children's leaders in the past. Understandably, not all of those feel safe taking on this role in the present circumstances - especially if they are considered especially vulnerable to covid-19. Also, I hope that the survey that I am asking people to complete will give us a clearer idea of how many children are likely to come to Sunday Club if we put it on from 20th September.

Please do pray for this process. We do want to ensure that children and young people continue to feel welcomed and valued as part of our church.

Prayer Requests

Be assured I will do my best to check that people are happy for the requests to be shared before including them. Please pray for:

  • Children and teaching staff as they restart schools this week.
  • June Warren and family after the death of Gordon Warren.
  • Beth Patterson's mum who is seriously ill and now approaching the end of her life. Pray for her and the rest of the family at this sad and difficult time.
  • Hazel Kenney's dad and family as he is also approaching the end of his life and is being moved into the hospice. Please also pray for him and the rest of the family at this sad and difficult time.
  • Nicky Galer's grandson, Teddy, presently in hospital with a kidney infection. Pray for wisdom for the doctors to know the best way to treat him.
  • Those struggling with deteriorating joints, especially those who are having to wait longer than normal because of the present crisis.
  • Joy Smithers to be able to accept her situation. Although she is now at home she can't move around without help.

Prayer from Church of England for during Lockdown:

God of constant mercy,
who sent your Son to save us:
remind us of your goodness,
increase your grace within us,
that our thankfulness may grow,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Notices in Brief...

A Message from Lio:

It has been a difficult decision to move on from St Luke’s after 30 years, but the time is right personally and spiritually. Thank you, Paul for the opportunities leading different aspects of the service and church activities that you have given me. It has been a privilege to serve in these areas. I have made many friends in the last 30 years and hope to continue these friendships going forward. I continue to pray for the future of St Luke’s whatever shape it takes.

I pray for God’s blessings on you all.

Lio x

Ride and Stride, Saturday 12th September, 10:00am - 6:00pm

This is an annual event that is still happening! The idea is to cycle or walk to as many different churches as possible and to be sponsored for doing so. Half the money raised goes to St. Luke's and the other half goes to Friends of Kent Churches. If you would like a sponsorship form, then let me know and I will arrange for it to be delivered or left for you to collect on Sunday. Also, we can open the church up for this, but we will need two people from a household to sit together in church, whilst the church is open. Let me know if you would like to volunteer for that!

Community Pastors

Community Pastors are back out on the streets again, and eager to add to our numbers. We are out earlier on Saturdays (and finishing earlier), so whilst the evenings are warm and the timings more friendly, it is a good opportunity to come out on a visit. If you are interested to help, then contact Charlie Harley, James Patterson or email me and I'll put you in contact!

Annual Meeting, Thursday 1st October in St. Luke's

This has been postponed from April. We will hold it on Thursday 1st October. It is a chance to reflect on how things have gone, share our vision going forward - we have some exciting plans - and elect churchwardens and PCC members. We are hoping to be able to livestream so people can watch at home, but people will need to be physically present to vote.

After Church Zoom Meeting

These have been great times to catch up and stay in contact for those who have attended. You can join after watching the online service or having been to 'in-person' church. We will definitely stick with a meeting at 11:30am, but we may arrange for other meetings at other times. There is a question on the survey to help us plan for this! 

After Church Zoom Meeting

Links of the Week: 

This is a short article about a student whose found great help through his Bible reading during Lockdown.

Bible Society set up a competition for youngsters to recreate the world of the Bible in Minecraft. Check out the competition winners...

Don't forget to either join us 'in-person' or 'on-line' on YouTube this Sunday and every Sunday. If you haven't done the survey to tell us what you are going to do then please remember to do it as soon as possible.

Yours in Christ,


Let us know what you plan to do...
St. Luke's Website