March 2022

ITAT Prepares for Take Down Tobacco Day

Take Down Tobacco Day is a national day for action to expose Big Tobacco and encourage youth to prevent and quit tobacco/vaping use. Each year, our ITAT students participate in this day of action by providing tobacco/vaping education for their peers, facilitating activities and workshops, and improving their knowledge base of smoking and vaping facts. 

This year, our students will be participating by holding tabling booths at their high schools. At these booths, ITAT students will hand out informational tools about vaping and tobacco, facilitate interactive activities including shadow boxes, spinning wheels, and tobacco/vaping quizzes. ITAT is ready to take down tobacco! 

                        In Todays News: 

Vaping Issues Hit Close To Home  

Vaping issues hit close to home this week. A local family mourns the death of their daughter and sister, a 20-year old woman who was killed by her boyfriend over an argument about a broken vape cartridge. The victims mourning family is now demanding justice. This horrific incident took place in Orem, Utah on March 27th, 2022. PLEASE help us take down tobacco. 

Is synthetic nicotine safe?

Synthetic nicotine is becoming increasingly popular in the United States. Big tobacco companies have been selling products with synthetic nicotine to avoid being regulated by the FDA. They market this as "tobacco-free nicotine". This is misleading and often accompanied by labels of "clean" or "safe" nicotine. Nicotine in any form is harmful to youth health and brain development. They are also extremely addictive, especially to youth. Don't let Big Tobacco fool you! All vape products are harmful and  unsafe!


Lets work together to take down tobacco!!

Tobacco Facts: 

MY LIFE MY QUIT: is a new service available to teens, to assist them in quitting the highly addictive nicotine products that comprise the teen vaping epidemic. All they need to do is text "Start My Quit" 855-891-9989 to talk or text with a quit coach to cheer them on in their journey of quitting!


APRIL 1: Take Down Tobacco Day

APRIL 17: Easter Holiday

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