August 2019

News Flash

Welcome to August, and happy Feast day to our Mary.
This past month I have been blessed to enter into weather extremes: A yearly silent retreat in chilly Perthville and the flip-flop friendly magnificent Kimberly on a school trip. Our God is full of surprises. We have much to be grateful for.


Feast Day Illustration

To celebrate I have been working on a special Illustration for the 8th. I found myself smiling as I created this, I hope Mary would have found joy in this, and I hope you enjoy this image too.

​>> View the illustration... 


New Artwork

Ever wondered how Mary and Joseph might go trying to enrol Jesus in a school today? I am grateful to have been asked to create an illustration for Australian Catholics Magazine to work with an article on this topic.
​>> View the artwork + read the article... 


Saint Card Adventures

Our Saint Cards are going global. We have received photos with our cards in USA and Peru this month. In celebration + thanks to some larger orders we have been able to lower the card price. Now even more accessible for schools & parishes!

​>> Scroll HERE to see photo gallery... 


Wow Factor

I'll be honest, I don't know much about the British Isles. But this stunning video has made me feel connected. It's well worth taking two minutes to breath, watch and connect with this part of the world. Hopefully you'll feel a sense of awe as I did.

>> Discover and take two minutes... 

Food For Thought

“Pray humbly and with confidence and fear nothing"
St Mary MacKillop
>> The Virtues of St Mary of the Cross

News Flash is a monthly email with artwork, specials & innovative things.
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Much peace & joy. Jane Maisey rsj

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