
March 21, 2019

obé’tain nil gozhóó lé nalwod ánáide’


Our male hawk Lono hunts to feed his nesting partner Kalei.

your fruit of joy makes us strong again

LeahRose is enthusiastic, of course, in her own next generation way.  She has always been so, always looking for ways to ignite people on their spiritual quest.  Hers is the overlay of the future… a continuance of what she has learned, and what she has channeled.  And it comes together, we work to bring forth the Unified Dreamfield.

We've talked about changes this year, and Leilani and Patrice have invited us to play more intricate roles with Daughters of the Goddess' Spiral Dance in October.  After some brainstorming, Lei and Patrice and we, are excited.  It will be good for our groups, to work more closely together.

With that decision made, it's now merely logistics, tracking energies, and training our girls in some of the Hawaiian protocols of the Kanaka Moali Wahine order of Lono. That will bring Spiral Dance, and in turn a more unified VisionKeepers Society (formerly Sisters of Honua).  I find that, now that I have the upcoming trainings to focus on, my visions from 2007 are beginning to manifest.  I can look forward with pleasure, not only to Spiral Dance, but to the dream rituals themselves.  It's going to be pleasant, Doraly and LeahRose ground the VisionKeepers through the Global Turn On (WorldWide Women's Circle).  VisionKeepers is well named.  I love the diversity of women that come from around the world, from beginners to Elder Dreamers of Reality.  And their laughter… Ah, it's a good time to be alive.  There are the flowers of spring that promise fertility everywhere we look, that lush earth smell, the snowy white of the alysum, the brilliant fiery orange of the blanket flowers.

And now, the work.  Taking the dreams of winter and making them so in reality, a combination of earth ceremonies, kids nature teachings and fundraisers, my own SpiralDancing Life apprenticeship, and divining guidance for clients.  All of these things happen at predetermined times, together sustaining life for as long as community comes together.  The offical programming evolves as the energetic ebb and flow with Earth and Humans need.  Some programs will be dropped from the Yraceburu EarthWisdom roster, to be replaced by others, cycle in and cycle out, with the rituals and teachings of time never ending.


Condor Earth Magic Full Moon
excerpt from For Another Good Day 2019 Prayer Book

And so we stand in the stream of tradition that regards life as a love affair between Changing Mother earth and Creator.  It is here that the deepest significance of mysticism is to be found.


San Diego: Women's Horse Circle

Meets Once a Month with the Helping Hooves,
Maria & Lynda Yraceburu & Avianna Harries

Space Limited to 6.  Registration closes April 10th.  Begins April 27th.


excerpt from SpiralDancing Life 2nd Penseh workbook

Embracing the hada'didlaa… ThunderBeings

APACHE GOLD, spiritual endurance, teaches us to see beyond igashteeli (male) and bi’aadi (female), pointing out that: The Self grows.  Our bodies are vessels of the sacred, infused with life force from the Sacred Parents and Star Nations.  We are capable of receiving higher frequencies as we adjust our sustenance manifestation.

With this lesson, we are motivated and give a context for sustainability. We have recognized our need to explore ways of reorganizing our lives on a personal and social level that is more coherent with an inclusive view of life and evolution. We have begun to explore ways of living as we organize in a way that will benefit All Our Relations as a whole.
      The hada’didlaa… ThunderBeings that carry the energies of procreation assist us in focusing on the quality of life as primary. The quality of possession as secondary. Eco-villages, renewable energy, organic farming, holistic approaches to health and education, reducing consumption, reorganizing our economical system in a way that is sustainable and reduces the gaps between have and have not provide thoughts on a basis for quality of life “unto the 7th Generation.”
     tlish diyan trust in the self-healing powers of esonkñhsendehî because they recognize the sacred Changing Mother as self-organizing and self-sustaining. Our role is mostly to harmonize with energies… allowing human-earth dynamics to function optimally.
     We are learning to bring the unexpressed parts of ourselves as a convergence of interests. Our interest and the interest of the combined consciousness has moved ever closer to ultimately one and the same goal… peace. We understand the health of this planet is interdepending with the health of all of its subsystems… including us.
     We have come to recognize a sense of interconnectedness and interdependence and have gratitude in being part of a rich and beautiful plan, and for being born from, and sustained by the Sacred Parents. We have compassion, and are beginning to protect all forms of life. We seek to live without suffering, but recognized suffering as a cry for healing where it is needed. We work to channel into actions life that will alleviate suffering and be of benefit to All Our Relations.
     tlish diyan is experiential… body, mind and soul, and experience that goes beyond intellectual understanding. The essence of the hada’didlaa’s teachings makes us not only flow more easily into action, but makes it almost impossible for us NOT to flow into action. If we see our connection, we have to live fully according to that realization to be authentic. We have no choice but to reflect this in every action of our daily lives. We become true to our nature, as we become one with all of nature.


Check out the Yraceburu EarthWisdom Collection >>

Next Posting: April 5, 2019 - tlish diyan
Horse Feeding the Flame New Moon


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If you like the video music here's good news!

Christa's Luck

Our long time friend, Jennifer Grais, wrote the song and it is available on cd!  There are actually five songs that speak to Jennifer's own healing journey, but there's even more!  She wrote a book too!

where you can get them

Watch the trailer in Jennifer's own words!