Services Training Blog Podcast

From our Team 

June is Pride Month


We recently spoke with provider Shannon Carskadon of Silver Cloud Family Homes in Washington County about her decision to begin pursuing a Welcoming Designation for her adult care home business.

"When I saw an opportunity to educate myself and make it known that our homes will provide loving care to anyone regardless of gender, culture, religion, or sexuality, I did want to make a conscientious effort to let the community know....We are welcoming and non-judgmental. We have a genuine interest in our residents' lives and a deep appreciation for their histories."

Shannon recognizes what the Welcoming Designation says to current and future residents and their families: "For each and every individual that decides to make Silver Cloud their home, we welcome you."

Interested in obtaining a Welcoming Designation for your care home? Contact your local licensing office

Rescheduled: Licensee Conference Call


There was a last-minute change to the licensee conference call meeting with the Safety, Oversight & Quality (SOQ) Unit. The meeting was rescheduled for tomorrow, 6/22/22 from 10:00-11:00am.

The Zoom and call-in details are below:

Click here for the Zoom link

OR call in via phone: 669-254-5252 (Meeting ID: 160 571 1801, Passcode: 779131)

A Message from Matt


June is Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month, Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Month, and Men's Health Month

My Grandfather was a terrific gardener who taught me some tricks of the trade. A regular part of my upbringing was spent in the garden with Papa Bob.

As a young person I would see the enjoyment in his face while tending his garden, and then later we'd gather at the dinner table where fresh sliced tomatoes, onions and a variety of other veggies from his garden, and fresh fruits from the local orchard would all be on a serving plate for the family to enjoy. He loved to eat sliced onions and tomatoes with just a touch of salt and pepper and nothing else. Papa Bob modeled for me, not only the benefits of spending time in the garden, but also how eating fresh vegetables and fruits is a satisfying and good thing to do. I think of him often when I am eating my sliced veggies and fresh fruits with my family, and of course when I am in my own garden.

Research strongly suggests a brain healthy diet should include foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, gardening and gathering fresh fruits and vegetables is a meaningful activity that residents and staff can enjoy together. With a little creativity, and including the residents and staff in the process, this can be easy and fun to do. Another enjoyable way to get fresh fruits and vegetables is to take a trip to the local farmers market or an orchard farm together.

From selecting and purchasing and planting seeds, to watering, picking and washing; and then preparing and enjoying the fresh fruits and vegetables, many memories may be stimulated and the stories of gardening can be shared together.

Visit the Oregon Farmers Market Association to learn about local markets.

"I associate the garden with the whole experience of being alive, and so, there is nothing in the range of human experience that is separate from what the garden can signify in its eagerness and its insistence, and in its driving energy to live - to grow, to bear fruit."

- Stanley Kunitz (American Poet)

Care Home Conversations Podcast


You won't want to miss our upcoming podcast episode, which will be available next Tuesday, June 28th.

In this next episode, we have a great conversation with John Ficker, executive director of the Adult Family Home Council in Washington state.

You'll want to hear about the amazing progress the Council has made for their providers and the greater adult family home (care home) community in Washington when it comes to advocating for providers, improving the lives of older adults, offering training programs, expanding caregiver recruitment, and investing in the workforce. We discuss the Council's progress in the context of the impact of COVID and the baby boom age wave.

Click here to listen to past episodes​ 

Upcoming Training


Registration is now open for August EQC

Get the early-bird rate for the next Ensuring Quality Care (EQC) course, which starts August 8th. Visit for information and to register online or click here for the August course bundle

Pre-Service Dementia Training

Our Pre-Service Dementia Training has been approved by the State of Oregon and has been developed specifically for APD adult care home staff. Our course is 2.5 hours, fully-online, flexible, and self-paced. Click here to register

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