
October Newsletter

9 New Virtual Conference Scholarships Offered

Applications close on the 9th of October   

Don't miss out!


2020 Joint Australasian HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conferences: VIRTUAL. Monday 16 – Friday 20 November 2020

Program overview now available, click HERE to view more details.

Far North Queensland RN Virtual Conference Scholarship 
The Society agree to provide financial assistance for registrations ($230.00) for five (5) members that are Far North Queensland Registered Nurses to attend the Joint Australasian HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conferences: VIRTUAL.  For further information

​​SHSQ Virtual Conference Scholarship
​The Society agrees to provide financial assistance for four registrations at $280.00 each so that members can attend the Joint Australasian HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conferences: VIRTUAL.​  For further information

New Student Membership Offered 

The Society updated our constitution at the AGM in August 2020.  The new constitution now included a free student membership.  

Student membership is FREE, the only criteria is that they must send a copy of their student card to the Secretariat  upon application.

Student with an interest in sexual and reproductive health are encouraged to join the Society – it is a great networking opportunity for future career pathways

If you are a student and would like to join the Society, please see the Membership Application Form

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