
This Sunday

12th September 2021

St. Luke's Church in Person at 11am.​

Now with groups for children from 0-15.

If you can't join us in person,

here is the Livestream

available from 11am on Sunday:

Jesus said,

"The time has come. The kingdom of God is near.

Repent and believe the good news!"

(Mark 1:15)

It has been encouraging over the last week to see people returning to church activities. Seeing and talking to people in person that I have hardly seen over the last eighteen months is wonderful. Joining with large groups celebrating the wonderful Good News of Jesus is fantastic. 

Last Sunday we had the largest number in church on a Sunday morning for 18 months. There were over 70 people there, including 19 children. This morning at the prayer meeting before Cafe4All, we had 13 people joining us. 

It is great to be welcoming people back into church gatherings and I hope that over the coming couple of weeks, we may be able to welcome many more people back into our community.

I am particularly grateful to those who have worked hard to restart our children and youth work, which had a great start last Sunday, and to the music team, audio-visual team and host team for all they do to help our services run smoothly. 

As we celebrate the coming together of so much to ensure our main Sunday Service is now back up and running, lets not forget why we come together. It is because of Jesus. He brings in God's new Kingdom and invites us to become a part of it. That is the fantastic good news that we want to celebrate and share.

Please read on...

  • Calendar: What's happening at St. Luke's this week?
  • Prayer: The latest prayer requests. 
  • Care: Focus on Eco-Church.
  • Share: Talks on Ephesians. A blog on surviving the storms of life.
Access iKnow for your personalised information
Register Children - if you haven't yet done so

Weekly Calendar

Saturday 11th

Daily Prayer (at St. George's Church) - 9:30-10:00am

Ride and Stride - St. Luke's church is open for those who are doing sponsored walks to raise money for Kent Churches Trust and their own church. We still need volunteers to welcome people into the church. from 2pm onwards. Please email me by Friday 5pm, if you would like to offer to sit in church to welcome the ride and striders.

Sunday 12th

Family Service with Baptisms (St. Luke's, 11am) - Mark 8:27-38, Following Jesus - Is it worth the risk?

Monday 13th

Daily Prayer (St. Luke's Church) - 9:30-10:00am

PCC Meeting (St. Luke's Church) - 7:30-9:30pm

Tuesday 14th

Daily Prayer (at St. George's Church) - 9:30-10:00am

Thursday 16th

Daily Prayer (at St. Luke's Church) - 9:30-10:00am

Cafe4All - St. Luke's Church, All Welcome for a coffee and chat. 10:00-11:30am. 

Friday 17th

Play and Praise (St. Luke's Hall, please use the side door off the driveway), Our parent and toddler group. 10:00-11:30am.

Saturday 18th

Daily Prayer (at St. George's Church) - 9:30-10:00am

Eastcliff Community Group Picnic (Boundary Road Park) - Join us and your friends and neighbours for an informal picnic in Boundary Park. Please bring your own food and drink.

Sunday 12th

Family Communion (11am, St. Luke's Church) - John 4:43-54


Prayer Requests:

​​Be assured I will do my best to check that people are happy for the requests to be shared before including them. Please pray for...

  • For Olivia Berry and Betsy Worrall, who are being baptised this Sunday.
  • Beth's Dad, Ian. He is having further surgery on his heart on Thursday 16th September. Prayers for a smooth operation and recovery.
  • Danny, a friend of Charlie's. Pray for healing and effective skin grafts and reduction in pain and for God's comfort, because he is missing school and away from home.

Please also continue to pray for: Flo Baldock, Nathan Court, Pauline Emptage, Jean Mayton, Shirley Crabb, Collette Judge, Barb (Gloria's daughter's friend), Jean Simmons, Rita Ryan and Joy Smithers.


Caring for Creation

In November, Government leaders will be gathering to discuss how to tackle Climate Change. This meeting is known as COP26 and is in Glasgow.

Recently the Archbishop of Canterbury, along with the leaders of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches issued a joint statement about climate change:

 ‘We call on everyone, whatever their belief or worldview, to endeavour to listen to the cry of the earth and of people who are poor, examining their behaviour and pledging meaningful sacrifices for the sake of the earth which God has given us.’

They continue: ‘Today, we are paying the price…Tomorrow could be worse’ and concludes that: ‘This is a critical moment. Our children’s future and the future of our common home depend on it.’

Genesis 1 tells us that we are called to rule over creation as those created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). If God cares for his creation, then so should we. That means taking seriously the impact that our lifestyles are having on the planet.

While it is important as Christians that we show individual responsibility for the way we live our own lives and seek to be a good example of climate care for the rest of society, we know that the climate change can only be reduced if there is co-operation across the world. So it is important that we do pray in the coming weeks for the government leaders that they can reach a just and good agreement that will bring about real change.

Check out the following places for more information on campaigning on  and praying about climate change:


Talks on Ephesians - #inChrist:The big picture

List of talks and links to videos / podcast and transcripts - Available Online

Last Sunday was the last of the talks on Ephesians. You can now view or listen to all the talks online. Just follow the link above.

St. Luke's Stories

Do remember to send in personal stories, poems etc. to share with others. Why not have a look at what is already there? 

Interesting Blog

Through the Storm...​​

There is no doubt that we find ourselves tossed by a global socio-economic-political storm of astonishing proportions—arguably the worst ever, and one that is wreaking havoc all over the world.
The question is, where is God? And how can we find Him, especially when we feel that we are sinking?

Finally, let's pray that Christ will draw us together to celebrate the good news he brings.

Yours in Christ,

Paul Worledge 

Vicar, St. Luke's Ramsgate
