
This Sunday

4th July 2021

Join us Online: 

Livestream 4th July, 11am

also available on YouTube afterwards

or at St. Luke's Church in Person at 11am.

Last Sunday 45 people attended in person.

If you plan to come to in-person church please register!

(You can now book for services through to July 18th, you can either book one week at a time or all the services in one go. We'll take your most recent booking when drawing up the register. So you can always rebook to change what you have said you are doing.)

Register to attend

The Zoom chat on Sunday's is now at 10am!

Join to meet and chat with others before the Livestream.

Click this link to join the Zoom meeting.

"And God placed all things under [Christ's] feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church," (Ephesians 1:22)

A spherical object crossed a white line.

On the face of it such an event seems insignificant and unimportant. Yet, when this happened at Wembley on Tuesday the crowd erupted with a great roar and people up and down the country screamed with delight. England had scored against Germany - they were heading for the first victory in a knockout over their old rivals for over fifty years and people were ecstatic.

2,000 years ago a young man was executed on a cross.

At the time this would have seemed like an insignificant and unimportant event. Crucifixion was the normal Roman way of dealing with serious criminals or rebels. Yet, this event was full of significance. The young man was the eternal Son of God. His death was God's self-giving sacrifice for our sin. It lead to death's defeat in the resurrection and Jesus's ascension to God's right hand on high, the ultimate conqueror. This death was a far more significant victory than that of any football team.

There has been much talk of England's victory lifting the nation's spirits after a terrible period. It has created a sense of hope.

Yet, for us as Christians the victory of Christ in his death is permanently significant. It has won for us eternal blessings. Through it we don't just have a temporary boost of hopeful emotion, but a permanent and secure hope for our eternal future. That is a win that is really worth celebrating!

Join us this Sunday. We will be looking at Ephesians 1:15-23: Prayer for Enlightenment

Please read on...

  • Prayer: The latest prayer requests. Churches Together Prayer Breakfast. Claire Coleman's Ordination - This Saturday. New weekday prayer meetings. Thanksgiving Service for Pam Morecroft - new postponed date.
  • Care: Volunteers wanted for St. George's Community Meal.
  • Share: Creation focus. An article on how to respond to Climate Change and a video on Psalm 148 and Creation's Praise of God.

Prayer Requests:

​​Be assured I will do my best to check that people are happy for the requests to be shared before including them. Please pray for...

  • Give thanks that our first Livestream went well and pray that it continues to do so.

  • Claire Coleman as she prepares for her ordination on Saturday 3rd July (see link below).

  • Katrina (Norah's daughter). Give thanks that the cancer has been removed and pray for a good recovery from the operation.

  • Friends of Pam Morecroft who died recently. See below for details of a Thanksgiving Service for her at St. Luke's.

  • Rosemary Ebelthite's 16 year old grandson Eric in Auckland, recovering from a psychotic episode after months of anxiety.

  • Flo Baldock - in hospital today (Thursday), because of stomach pains and undergoing tests.

  • Pauline Emptage waiting to hear from King's College Hospital about next steps for treating her back.

  • Nathan Court for his continuing treatment.

Please also continue to pray for: Jean Mayton, Jeannette (Claudia's sister), Shirley Crabb, Collette Judge, Barb (Gloria's daughter's friend), Jean Simmons, Rita Ryan and Joy Smithers.

Churches Together Prayer Meeting

Please join with others from churches around Ramsgate to pray this Saturday 3rd July at 9am.

Again, we will do this by ZOOM: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8651865167

Meeting ID: 865 186 5167

And you can ring into Zoom by phone! If you ring 02034815240, followed by 8651865167# then you will hear and speak at the meeting. Calls charged at normal UK rate

Ordination of Claire Coleman:

Claire will be joining us at St. Luke's as a curate this weekend. She is being ordained as Deacon at Canterbury Cathedral on Saturday 3rd July at 5:30pm. Unfortunately, the tickets are highly restricted due to covid. However, if you would like to watch online you can do so using the Cathedral livestreaming link. 

New Daily Prayer Meetings

We are going to introduce four new daily prayer meetings from Monday 5th July at St. Luke's and St. George's. These will last for around 30 minutes. Initially the pattern will be:

Monday, 9:30am - In St. Luke's Church

Tuesday, 9:30am - In St. George's Church

Thursday, 9:30am - In St. Luke's Church

Saturday, 9:30am - In St. George's Church

Thanksgiving Service for Pam Morecroft:

Due to the main person organising this testing positive for Covid, this service has now been postponed for a week. It will now be on Tuesday 13th July at 2:30pm. All those who knew her at St. Luke's are welcome to attend. 


St. George's Community Meal

The St. George’s Community Meal in Ramsgate will now reopen on Tuesday 27th July 2021 and each Tuesday thereafter. The evening provides a hot meal, company, conversation and fun for around forty or fifty homeless and vulnerable adults in the St. George’s Parish Hall. We are looking for volunteers of all ages that can help cook, clean, serve and engage with our guests from 4.30pm – 8pm. Please email [email protected] or message us on our Facebook page to find out how to get involved and be part of the team.

Arrange to meet Paul

If you would like to have a chat with me at some point soon, then you can book a 60 minute meeting by clicking the link below. I have now extended the dates you can book until 20th July, but do book for sooner rather than later!

Arrange to meet Paul

Last Week's Talk:

Our Eternal Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-14) - Available Online

Ephesians gives us the BIG picture of what it means to be a Christian, to be ‘in Christ’. This opening section reminds us of some of the amazing blessings we have ‘in Christ.’

St. Luke's Stories

This week we have a new poem from Pam Elmes: The Calvary Road. Do remember to send in personal stories, poems etc. to share with others.

Focus: Creation

Grounded in Hope

In the first of a new series of articles on environmental issues and the climate emergency from the Bible Reading Fellowship, Michele D Morrison, explores our fears and anxieties and says that panic is not the answer. God calls us to a better way

Psalm 148

Psalm 148 is a call for the whole cosmos to praise God. In the climactic conclusion of Psalm 148, we read that Israel should praise God because he has raised a horn for them. But what’s the deal with this horn? And why is God lifting it up? In this video from the Bible Project, we explore how Psalm 148 fits into the overall story of the book of Psalms—the story of God’s promise to raise up a king who will bring victory to Israel and rescue the world.

Finally, let's bless God for the blessings he has given to us!

Yours in Christ,

Paul Worledge 

Vicar, St. Luke's Ramsgate
