PTO Website

PTO Calendar

May 3, 2020


important dates & district news

Click on the calendar to see full PTO calendar.



  • 5/4: Teacher Prep Day - NO SCHOOL  


  • 5/4: Teacher Prep Day - NO SCHOOL  
  • 5/5 - 5/8: Virtual Staff Appreciation Week 


  • 5/4: Teacher Prep Day - NO SCHOOL 

District News


pto web resource for distance learning 

Submit and share your ideas for crafts, activities, scheduling, dealing with stress etc.

We have created a "forum" type, Distance Learning Resource page on the PTO Website where our community can share ideas for distance learning, activities, crafts, dealing with stress, recipes, etc. 

Here are a few ideas from our community:

  • Dance with Sangini! 
  • PBS Kids Daily Newsletter gives a great lesson for kids 
  • Commonsense Media launched a free website for home schooling resources CLICK HERE
  • ​Here is a very comprehensive list of local take-out and/or delivery restaurants from the website The Six Fifty. Remember to think about our PV and Woodside restaurants first as some are not listed here. TAKE OUT AND DELIVERY FROM RESTAURANTS

Click below to see more or add your own!  Scroll to the bottom of the page to see suggestions and to submit your ideas. 

Click for PTO Distance Learning Resources & Forum


corte madera news

6th-8th grade instructions on accessing powerschool to monitor pass/no pass grades

Last week, an email was sent outlining our grading system during Distance Learning (DL) during this last quarter. Students will be given a Pass or Incomplete grade for each week of Distance Learning in their classes- and more specific feedback on assignments and projects will be in Google Classroom. Our last quarter has now been detached from the 3rd quarter, so students will have 3/4 of the year with letter grades, and the last quarter they will be given an overall grade of Pass or Incomplete in each class. 

Below is detailed information on how to access these Pass grades in Powerschool and feedback from teachers about the level of Pass your child is receiving (based on work completion, attendance, motivation, participation in DL etc.)

  1. First, login to Powerschool Parent Portal. If you have forgotten your password, please contact Ashlie at [email protected] for login information.

  2. You will see locked grades for P1, S1, and P3. The last quarter- which states S2, will only be for distance learning, the last quarter of school. All classes will show an “i” and there will no longer be letter grades for this quarter. 

  3. Click on the “i” for each class

  4. You will then see a breakdown of “P” for Pass, or “Inc” for each week of Distance Learning starting after spring break. 

  5. Click on the “Score” dash for specifics about the level of “P” or “Inc”.                                  

  1. From here, you can see if you child is keeping up with distance learning, turning in all assignments, missing some assignments, or not doing the work required to earn a passing grade (Inc) for the week. Teachers will indicate if students are receiving a high, medium, low pass, or an incomplete (your child is not completing any assignments and therefore can't be graded)

  2. A reminder that students continue to get feedback on assignments through Google Classroom and feel free to contact you child’s teacher if you would like more information about their level of work completion during Distance Learning. 

  3. We will update DL grades on Mondays since many assignments/projects for classes are not due until Friday evening at 7pm. 

  4. At the end of the year, students will receive a "P" or an "Inc" on their report cards, and teachers will communicate in the comment section the level of Pass the child has earned for this last quarter. 

Let me know if you have questions or concerns. Hope all is well and thanks for your patience while our staff makes these changes in grading for Distance Learning. 

Thank you, 

Kristen Shima

Assistant Principal

PV Foundation news 

thank you to our community business partners


community news

Visit our Community News page on the PVPTO website for all of the ongoing community events and news. Some news items include:

  • Help Students Who Need You Most
  • Dance with Sangini


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