Tom's Pantry

Tom's Pantry for the week of June 1st 2020.

Hello folks. 

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, farmers markets and many other businesses are going online to accelerate ordering, extend their reach, and reduce the gathering of people on site. The farmers markets in Vankleek HillMetcalfe, the Eastern Ontario Agri-Food Network, and even the Ottawa Markets of Parkdale and Byward are going online instead of an open market for browsing.

As part of those farmers markets, Tom's Pantry is now taking online orders for pickup at my home, delivery to your home, or in-person pickup at selected farmers market locations when available. 

This is a two-step process. First, read about my products and delivery schedule on my website or in my e-newsletter. Secondly, go to my virtual store with Local Line online farmers market to view the product list and prices, and place your order. During your first visit to my online store, you need to request my catalogue, which I will open for you promptly. Then you can place your first order. 

Please order online instead of sending me emails, text messages, or Messenger messages. It makes life easier for you both you and me. Several customers ordered online with me last week and it works very well.

You have the option of paying me cash, by e-transfer, or with the payment tool in the online store in which case I must first confirm your order and convert it to an invoice. 

Baking and delivering this week!

I will bake this Wednesday June 3rd for pick up at my home on Wednesday evening.

I plan a delivery route on Thursday morning going north through Crysler, Limoges, Embrun, then deliveries in Ottawa during the morning. On my way back from Ottawa in the afternoon, I will loop through Casselman, St-Isidore, Dalkeith, Maxville, Moose Creek, and back home.

On Thursday in the late afternoon, Isabelle will deliver in Alexandria, Glen Robertson, Ste-Anne-de-Prescott, and Vankleek Hill. 

Next week, I will deliver on the southerly route to Newington, Long Sault, Cornwall, and back through Monkland. The week after, I will head north and west to Ottawa, Metcalfe, Russell, Winchester, Inkerman, and Chesterville. Keep watching this newsletter for details.

There is a minimum order of two loaves for a home delivery on a scheduled route. 

I need your order please by tomorrow Tuesday evening 9pm in order to prepare enough levain overnight. See the product descriptions and ordering considerations here. And then, view the price list and order online with Local Line

And a reminder - I also offer organic flour and baking ingredients, also available in the virtual store.  

this gets complicated!

I was just starting to master the complicated details of temperature and moisture levels to make consistent bread. During the winter and spring, I use a wood fire to keep the kitchen temperature around 23C to ensure predictable fermentation and get the dough ready for the oven at the right time. 

Then the weather changed! It takes a baker to recognize a change in weather. Last week, the kitchen temperature rose to 26C just with the warm weather outside. That changed everything. For one, the warm flour holds more ambient moisture than usual. So my regular recipe of flour and water had too much water and the dough was too soft. Secondly, the fermentation accelerated and the dough was ready an hour before the oven was ready. Some dough was exhausted and did not rise in the oven as much as I wanted.

Despite the frustration, I call it artisanal unpredictability! 


This week's feature is beer bread.

Anytime is beer time. Especially for a great organic beer from Beau's All Natural Brewing Company in Vankleek Hill.

The white organic sourdough from Tom's Pantry is already pretty good. But let's use Beau's Full Time IPA organic beer instead of water.

Full Time is an aromatic I.P.A. in the contemporary West Coast style, with its bold flavours and balanced bitterness. Big tropical fruit gives way to pine, courtesy of American and New Zealand organic hop varieties.

The IPA beer gives the white sourdough bread an excellent hoppy flavour that combines beautifully with the sour background of sourdough bread. Then pair it with an old gouda cheese and it is a home run!

Order your organic IPA bread for $12 each​.

What are people saying?

Tom Olien of Cornwall writes: "My breakfast grains - 2 slices of pumpernickel bread toasted with Just Peanuts peanut butter and Peace River Creamed Honey. Now on the deck with a fresh cup of coffee and butter tart. Wow, what a start to the day. Thanks for the early delivery. The pumpernickel bread is smooth and tasty. The sourdough base comes through. Well done. The butter tarts are outstanding. Sweet Tooth when operating in Lancaster was our go-to butter tart, but you have topped that. They will be part of all future orders."

Claire Levesque de Embrun nous écrit "Nous avons goûté au pain Ezekiel, DÉLICIEUX! Et merci pour les tartelettes, elles étaient aussi délicieuses. Ce soir, nous allons faire des hamburgers avec un bagel, miam, miam! Mon mari se fait griller un bagel qu'il va manger avec du miel acheté chez Jeannine, un vrai délice!!!"

Men can dance too!

It is so pretty to watch men dancing (and the girls are even prettier). It is a far cry from local events where the guys chat around the bar and their partners dance without them. But that can be fixed. For one, I think our school system and parents should teach kids to dance and get over the shyness. Guys do not dance as adults or teenagers because they never learned as kids. As adults, dance lessons are also available​, but it takes some perseverance. 

Stay in touch...