Rhythms Newsletter

March 2019

Who we are is given to us. We do not even earn it. It is a free and holy gift. The paradox is that we must stop, feel, and grow silent in order to receive the gift of ourselves, even while we still hang on to the belief that things are all up to us, that we are in charge. 

Gunilla Norris, Inviting Silence

Mystic of the Month

Gunilla Norris

Our Lenten invitation is to slow down and invite silence into our daily lives. Mystic of the Month, Gunilla Norris (1939-  ), author 19 books including Inviting Silence, encourages us to “return to the sacred self which lies buried under all our hyper-activities.” She counsels that moments of silence may bring us back to our senses. She encourages seekers of every spiritual persuasion to enter the deep and abiding qualities of silence that are the bedrock of spiritual experience.


Ash Wednesday Service

March 6, 12-12:30pm

This service includes scripture, song, silence, and marking with ashes; an opportunity to turn our faces toward the One who calls our hearts home.

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Lenten Visio Divina

Fridays, 8-8:45am

Sylvie Gudin will facilitate the prayer practice of Visio Divina (divine seeing) which combines the traditional process of Lectio Divina (divine reading) with the visual arts. Paintings by Sylvie relating to Jesus’ path to the cross will be the focus.

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Praying With Creation

fridays, 8:30-9:15am

A prayer time to listen and meditate in and with nature, with others.  Facilitated by Deron Bergstresser, this prayer practice arises from a deep desire for connection and care of the environment.

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March Calendar

Mondays 7-8:30pm
Tuesdays 7:30-8am
Tuesday, Mar. 5, 19, 26, 5-6pm
Thursdays 7:30-8am
Fridays 8-8:45am
Fridays 8:30-9:15am
Wednesday, March 6, 12-12:30pm
Saturday, March 2, 9am-12pm
Monday, March 11, 9am - 2pm
Thursday, March 21, 7-7:45pm

Mark Your Calendars for Stations:

A Pathways Tradition for All Ages!


We have churches and families who bring their children to the Stations every year as a way to form the story within them. Children generally love taking turns reading the scripture and then ask questions or observe a time of silence before running off to find the next station.  This is a special invitation for pastors, teachers, and parents to consider this a possibility for the young and young-at-heart among you.

Visit Our Site

Pathways Retreat is a spiritual retreat center for

Rest, Reflection and Renewal.


Linda Lehman Thomas

Evan Miller

Julie Stegelmann