
Oh Friends!

We have a special offering this year that is designed to keep you sane, grounded, happy and uplifted through the next year.  And it’s going to be as fun, easy, and delightful as receiving a care package from your sacred aunties every month in the mail!

If you’re a sensitive spiritual person, you’re feeling the intensity of current times, and it might even leave you feeling drained or exhausted.  Well, we are tracking the energies, and this intensity is not going away! We all need to do certain practices to stay centered and on our paths during this chaotic time.

We wanted to make this easy for you.

So we want to send you a monthly care package full of goodies that will help you address each month’s energies in turn over the next year.  Maria and I will share essential practices we use (and we share) that can keep you feeling grounded, sane and happy through these intense times.  These practices relate with the 13 Kyong (chakras) that I am teaching about in a related class, if you want to check that out too.

In your monthly care packages, we will include medicines we make here on the land, handcrafted things that we know will calm, soothe, and energize you.  Each month, you’ll get special products designed for that month’s energy.  You’ll receive things like smudge, stones, essential oils and more, along with a fun crafty or energizing exercise to soothe and anchor you during that particular cycle.  All sacred in nature and use.  Although we are including priceless things that can save you spending hundreds of dollars in other things that help you calm down, we are only charging $49.99/month for these handcrafted care packages. 

Because we put so much into these baskets of love, we can only offer this to 25 people this year.  And we already have a few sold before we even shared about it!

So if you want to receive these care packages to help anchor and support you in this upcoming year, connecting you with the natural cycles, clearing your energy, and enjoying the fun of it all, sign up here.


your Shimas