This Sunday

26th April 2020

“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,

and all these things will be given you as well.”

(Matthew 6:33)

This week I have become more aware of the effects that lockdown is having on our mental health. I wonder how that impacts our prayer life? For some it may be that we are put off prayer because it feels like focussing again on the things that are making us anxious. For others we may just feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the scale of the problems caused by the present pandemic.

This week our service will be focussing on the Lord's Prayer. Jesus says this is how we as Christians should pray.

So, what is surprising or distinctive about the Lord's prayer? Well its focus is not on our present needs or anxieties, but on God's vision for us and our world. The first three requests to God all begin, 'Your...'. It also teaches us to pray with an utter dependency on God. We need him to provide our daily food, to forgive our sins and to help us avoid being caught up in evil.

Praying with this focus is really helpful in our present circumstances. It lifts us above the enormity of the present situation to the God who is still in control. In prayer we look beyond our immediate concerns to the big picture of what God is about. We are also reminded that although many of the things we used to rely on are no longer available and the future so uncertain, God will be with us day by day to provide our daily bread.

By praying in the way Jesus teaches us we can indeed be helped emotionally as well as spiritually!

This Sunday's Opener: It would be great to start this Sunday's service with a variety of people saying the Lord's Prayer.

Please send me videos of you or your family saying the Lord's Prayer (as written below) by Saturday lunchtime. You can send it by email, or Whatsapp (07769 871520). Whether you've done it before or want to give it a go again everyone is welcome.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come,

your will be done, on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread. 

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and for ever. Amen.

Last Sunday: If you missed Last Sunday's talk, Flourishing Religion (Matthew 6:1-6,16-18), then you can  listen or watch here .

Weekly Focus: Hair for Food


Vanessa Shingles has today (Thursday) shaved her head to raise money for the Ramsgate Churches Together Food Bank.

Vanessa writes:

'I'm shaving my head for Ramsgate Food Bank because they collect and distribute food to those in need'

During World War II my father was a Prisoner of War with the Japanese on the infamous Railway of Death.  Like all the POW's his head was shaved and he had virtually no food for three and a half years. Throughout his life, food for all people was of vital importance.

I am shaving my head in his memory on 23rd April (which would have been his 99th birthday) to raise money for Churches together in Ramsgate Food Bank supporting those who are struggling during Coronavirus pandemic by providing and where needed, delivering food to those in self-isolation."

If you would like to donate to Vanessa's money raising efforts please use this link:


If you would rather give by cash or cheque, then please make it payable to 'Vanessa Shingles' and send to her address:

19, Langdale Avenue, Ramsgate, CT11 0PQ

and she can add it to the online donations.

Prayer Requests

Be assured I will do my best to check that people are happy for the requests to be shared before including them.

  •  For Joy Smithers. Give thanks that she is settling into the new Care Home in Folkestone and pray that she will be able to regain the mobility she had before her accident.
  •  For Gordon Warren. They have decided it is not possible for Gordon to have any Chemo at present and it is unclear how serious the cancer is. So please pray for peace and that the cancer is slow growing.
  •  Sadly, Peter and Nicky Shakeshaft's friend, Geoff Humphrys died last Sunday. Please pray for his family and friends at this very sad time.
  • Pray for wisdom for the government as they continue to work to provide the necessary equipment and tests and make the best plans for us to come out of lockdown.
  •  For all NHS staff, paramedics and care home workers. For safety, resilience and strength as they are called on to work harder in these emotionally draining circumstances.
  • For those feeling lonely, missing the usual visits of family and friends.
  • For those struggling with mental health, especially in the present circumstances.

A prayer for the Third Sunday of Easter

Risen Christ,

You filled your disciples with boldness and fresh hope.

Strengthen us to proclaim your risen life

And fill us with your peace,

To the glory of God the Father.


Notices in Brief...

Post-Service Zoom Meeting. It's great to meet and see one another informally. Please join us if you can! Use the link below to join us at 11:30am-12:00noon on Sunday:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 541 875 3952   Password: Luke

Christianity Explored and Growth Teams. We are starting another Growth Team on Zoom this week on Thursday evenings. If you are interested in joining this or exploring the Christian faith in greater detail, then do get in touch.

Thanet wide Zoom prayer meeting. Sunday 3rd May from 7pm until 8pm - Love Thanet Prayer - an opportunity to pray together for Thanet.  Wouldn't it be great if a few hundred of us got together on-line to pray together for Thanet.   Let's get as many as possible together to pray for Thanet. (Put the date & time in your diaries & we'll send through more info & the link next week).

Link of the Week: 

What might God be teaching us through the Coronavirus. This blog post was written early on in the present crisis, but much of what it has to say is still relevant as we move on through the present crisis and links with some of the themes discussed above from the Lord's Prayer.

Facing the Coronavirus in Christ

See you online this Sunday!

Yours in Christ,


St. Luke's Website