Dear Light Family! 

It has been an intense passageway that has been continuing since I visited my family in early December and now that I am back in Mexico it has felt like a deeper level of purging for sure. January has always been an intense passageway for me since about four years ago and this one is emotional to the extreme, the beauty is that it has created so much space for all these powerful Master Builder codes, Galactic codes and much more. The new realizations, the new ideas, the new projects that are being activated deep within us will propel us the rest of the linear year. So much is still needed to be felt, recognized and it is the intensity of it that will be necessary to honor as it brings much freedom for each. 

Many are choosing themselves more and more and so many others are also choosing to exit this realm and although it is a challenging phase it is a necessary part of the process that allows us to feel everything that has not been truly felt and honored. I’ve been personally going through the dissolution of so much grief at deeper and deeper levels and it is in the grieving of potential timelines that you actually clear “future” timelines so that one can create from a space of full Soul-alignment and freedom instead of creating from “fear” of a potentiality that hasn’t yet occurred. This has allowed me a deeper level of clearing that I haven’t consciously been aware of before but I am honoring more and more as it is brought forth in my reality. The fear of the unknown, the fear of the perceived “future”, the fear of death and losing what once was perceived to be true is a huge piece of this journey that one must be open to feeling fully. When we keep fearing it to the point of suppressing it, hiding it, not acknowledging it or owning it the frequency becomes so overbearing that it creates a physical reality in which one cannot escape from until one confronts it and recognizes what it is truly trying to show you. 

In my personal reality, I’ve had to come to see and feel all the different potentialities that are possible regarding my family and their choice, my friends, my many possible “futures” and so much more and let me tell you they aren’t all pretty. But instead of being afraid of them and controlling how I feel about them, I have allowed myself to show me all the emotions that are still attached to these possibilities. Every movie that I’ve watched, song that I’ve heard has been able to activate very deep emotions within myself that have allowed me to go deeper into the emotion and I go all in. I feel the pain, the hurt, the anger, the grief, the shame, the blame, the hatred, everything that I have inside of me about every possible scenario that comes up in my field. It is in allowing this energy to come up, instead of suppressing it for fear that it may actually come through and then allowing myself to feel every heavy emotion towards it that one actually dissolves the energy and the physical reality that one experiences is more in alignment with the peace you hold inside instead of the fear trapped inside. 

Our fears must be recognized once and for all instead of being afraid of them, for when we fear them they hold a much more emotional charge that creates a tangible experience that aligns with them. Fear is just an energy, a frequency that is here to show you something about yourself, something about an aspect of yourself that you still have hidden inside. It isn’t here to create more fear, fear is what our mind creates, our mind creates a perception that makes us afraid of energy. Remember that energy is neutral, it isn’t good or bad, neither is it negative or positive, our linear mind is what labels it as such based on “past” experiences, societal belief systems and old limited perceptions. Our linear mind is limited and functions from duality that only sees things from a constricted lens that can only be stretched and widened by the Higher Heart. It is this Higher Self aspect of ourselves that isn’t bound by limits, isn’t bound by the perceptions of the old belief systems, it is far more advanced, far more unified and has a far wider perspective on things because it is connected to the entire Universe. You are the entire Universe but we’ve been limiting ourselves by not listening to our pure heart and instead conforming to what our linear mind perceives. 

Yes, perception is everything. It can free you or enslave you depending on whether you choose to utilize it and how you choose to utilize it. Are you limiting yourself by only perceiving things from one angle? Are you incarcerating yourself by only believing what the world says it’s true? Are you constricting yourself from thinking/perceiving outside of societal norms? Are you torturing yourself by believing that you have no power or choice? Allow yourself to ask these questions, allow yourself to see where you are operating from, allow yourself to recognize what beliefs are you still operating from, what self imposed constructs are you still supporting that are keeping you small and powerless? Keep asking yourself these questions; keep opening up your body so you can feel the energy of all that is still out of alignment. The beauty is that you may or may not know the answer right away and that’s ok, the important thing is to open up to feeling the energy of it, after all feeling the energy inside is what truly matters, the energy inside is what must be felt and honored, the energy inside is what needs to be dissolved by your Light. This is part of who you are and part of your pure power, your linear mind gets in the way every time and makes things hard and difficult, not to say that recognizing when your linear mind comes into play isn’t important because it is. There are so many constructs and aspects that are still attached to our linear mind that need your attention and respect which is why it’s important to recognize all your thoughts instead of trying to control them. That is also an old belief created by your linear mind for it is all about control, and keep things confined, constricted and limited. Yes, it can become an intricate game that we have all agreed to play but nonetheless we are finally remembering and rediscovering just how many rules we created and now it’s time to destroy all the rules so we no longer live by them and hence create a pure Divine flow that creates ease, grace and peace in every part of our existence. Everything becomes so pure and magical when we allow this flow and it is in this energy that we restore back this planet to its original state of full Divine Consciousness. 

As we all navigate the powerful frequencies of this month and passageway, I am excited to host another journey of challenging ourselves to releasing more, remembering more, rebirthing more and transforming in much deeper ways. This next journey will be about 9 days, more or less as we are no longer operating from linearity and I go with the flow with all things. I will be sharing daily exercises along with activations, videos, group calls and much more to support you in more profound ways in your journey. There are several energy exchange options for all so feel into them all if you’d like to join us on this journey. Some of the group calls will also be available to all through an energetic exchange as well without joining the entire clearing journey so stay tuned for when those are available. 

For any one that is ready to embark on a more personal one on one journey, I have private sessions and monthly coaching available as well where we dive ever so deeply into the realms of your inner world to assist you further in your own awakening, ascension and embodiment journey. For the month of January I have all of my online products including ascension courses at a 35% discount by utilizing code Love35. Click the button below to browse them. 

With that, I am sending you a huge wave of peace, gratitude and countless blessings for this powerful passageway and linear month. 

Samantha SolBright 🌞 

New Earth Guardian, Author, WayShower, Transformational and Ascension Guide, MultiDimensional Life Coach, Speaker, Host, Mentor, Teacher, Activator of Higher Consciousness, Energy Master, Light Being and New Earth Builder

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