Things I found, things I am saving for winter

Cory's Pinecone Mound

​Look at the treasures I found:

Cultivating Creativity

In the words of a friend, “Creativity is seeing something beautiful and putting it into practice.” It is as simple as that. Your life will significantly improve if you take time to create your own work and share it with others, but do not forget to keep it fun! These skills are also essential to cultivate in children, so they may put their creativity into action when they grow up, creating products or artworks that can change the world around them!

Here is a list of 10 reasons why I think you should start creating and encouraging your children to create:

  1. Creativity helps relieve stress: You’ve heard the saying ‘creative people tend to be happier?’ If you can find something that brings you pleasure, chances are it also gives you a sense of accomplishment and helps reduce your stress levels.
  2. Creativity helps you build self-confidence: When you feel good about yourself, you are more confident in others too…and this leads to trust and positive relationships!
  3. Creativity builds a personal brand: By being creative, you are making your own personal brand – just like an author or musician, you want people to recognize you as clever, knowledgeable, and talented! Creation will drive a portfolio that you can take with you throughout your life.
  4. Creativity provides growth opportunities: You’ll learn new things about yourself and life in general (and this is good for both your personal and professional development). It will make you more efficient at your job, keep your work exciting and engaging, and help keep boredom from setting in.
  5. Creativity provides freedom: One of my favorite life lessons is the role of art and creation in our humanity. We are natural creators, trapped by the limitations we create for ourselves. The purpose of art is to free man from his self-imposed immobility.

Get loose and create!

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xx Cory

Shark in a Bath by Cory Shaw

As always, you can share your completed coloring page on Instagram, Twitter, or Tik Tok. Tag me @bycoryshaw and use the hashtag, #colorwithcory. I will share your project with my audience.

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Let's gather pinecones together