Monthly Newsletter: December 2023

What is happening at Rock Hollow Woods?


Our 2023 Winter Silent Auction (on the GiveButter platform) will be held from Friday, December 8th @ 12:00 p.m. through Sunday, December 10th @ 6:00 p.m. Check out all of the amazing items we have to offer this year. Make a bid, make a difference!


Winter (Jan/Feb) Registration Opens TODAY!

Registration opens TODAY for our winter (January/February) programs!! These are all popular and fill up fast so don't miss out.

*Toddler Time on the Trail (Monday, Tuesday, & Friday)

*Homeschool Happenings

*Afterschool Nature Club


Holiday & Christmas Creations; December 3rd 12:30-3:30 p.m.

This Sunday, December 3rd is our popular Holiday & Christmas Creations program. Drop off the kids (ages 7 - 14) from 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. They will have fun at Rock Hollow Woods making ornaments and other creations while you have a chance to take a break or get errands done without them. It's a win-win!


**NEW THIS YEAR - Holiday Creations Workshop for ADULTS!
Come join us for a fun afternoon TOMORROW, December 2nd for our first ever Holiday Creations Workshop for Adults program. Participants will enjoy a short hike in the great outdoors and visit various stations to make decorations, ornaments, cards, and a wooden snow-person. This experience is BYO, so feel free to bring your own beverages (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) and snacks to enjoy.

In November we enjoyed a variety of educational programs.

 Toddler Time on the Trail, Nature Pre-K, Homeschool Happenings, After-school Nature Club, Reading SD field trip, and a Cadette Scout trip.


Tyson-Schoener Elementary 2nd graders visit RHW!


Toddler Time on the Trail


Nature Pre-K Program


After-school Nature Club


Homeschool Happenings


Cadette Scout Trip

Gratitude Corner


We are so grateful for the many ways you continue to support Rock Hollow Woods Environmental Learning Center!

Thank you to this month's donors:
Bill & Terry Androwick, Catherine Best, Kristin & Justin Britcher, Ron & Judy Coughenour, Diane & David Dreibelbis, Rita Gamache, Carolyn Gunster, Richard Howett, Don & JoAnn Hurley, Eric & Maureen Johnson, Chip & Herb Karasin, Sue Langkamer, Amy & Chris Langman, Jennifer Lieb, Bill & Janemarie McKay, Debra Millman, Robert Nye, Sierra Ornosky, Ed Phillips, Ellen Ruggiero, Tara Schlosser, Sarah Smith, Russell & Danielle Stirling, Scott & Akiko Strum, Holly Urbine, Bryan Wang, West Wyomissing Fire Company, Jo Anne & Joseph Wieczorek, and Pete & Therese Zeitz.

Thank you for the gifts that are being used at Rock Hollow Woods: 
Stacey Babula, Harper Buffington, Collmann's Tree Farm, Vanessa Cipolla, Shenan Ferrara, Rachael Kasdras, Whitney & Josh Kemp, Ellen Longacre, Erin McKechnie, Jen Nein, Nola Shipp-Jannifer, Emily Smith, Tim Stumhofer, Levi Wagner, Remington Zhingre-Kelly, & Kerry Ziegler.

Thank you for the amazing volunteers who help at Rock Hollow Woods: 
~Peg Gumpert and Becky Johnson for leading field trip stations that engage and impact children.

~Dr. Debbie for assisting and engaging with children during Toddler Time on the Trail.

~Alyssa McCaffrey for assisting during Tuesday Toddler Time on the Trail and for helping with trail maintenance afterwards.

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