
This Sunday

10th January 2021

Join us Online: YouTube (from 6am Sunday)

We are not encouraging people to come to the church building at present, but for those who feel safe and would find it a support to come in person we will be open at 10:30am on Sunday:

Register to attend

Also, join us for a chat at 11:30am on Sunday: 

Click this link to join the Zoom meeting.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

(Philippians 4:6)

Happy New Year!? The main greeting at this time of year does not seem very appropriate. Although there are signs that the end of the Pandemic is in sight, the year has started with a new lockdown and soaring numbers of cases.

We are starting 2021 with the same worries, uncertainties and stresses that many have faced in 2020. In hospitals there is serious pressure on staff trying to cope with very high numbers of covid-cases, whilst other parts of the NHS are having to work flat out to administer the new vaccines. School staff have had to deal with big changes to their plans and shift to mainly online teaching, whilst students face many weeks stuck at home and away from their friends. Some even have the uncertainty created by cancelled exams. Others are facing financial worries, because the lockdown is preventing them earning a living, whilst many are facing additional work to adjust to the new regulations and ensure businesses, shops and other organisations are covid-safe. And, although we are perhaps less shocked by all the changes, there is a growing weariness as the pressure has continued for many months now.

How as Christians in the midst of all this do we cope? By turning to God in prayer, imitating God in our care for others, and increasingly learning to share in and share God's Word.

Firstly, the classic verse above tells us how to deal with anxiety in every situation - even in the midst of a pandemic: Pray. Pray with thanksgiving, knowing that God is in control and that he cares for you!

Secondly, lets keep looking out for one another. Keep in touch with family, friends, neighbours and others from church. Contacting others can ensure they are not left feeling lonely, can give people a chance to let off steam and can show them that if they need practical support then people are available to help them.

Thirdly, lets keep sharing in God's word. It is written just as much to show us how to survive through tough times as to challenge us in easy times. God gives it for our comfort and our strengthening so that we can deal with the most difficult of situations. So read it for yourself, discuss it with others, listen to the online services and share it with others so that they can know God's help in their lives.

And as we move into 2021, do remain part of our church community. We love people contributing videos to our services, keeping in contact with others and praying for one another. So read on in this email to see how you can support others as well as be supported...

Please read on...

  • Prayer: Some pointers of things to pray for in the present situation as well as ideas for contributing to our online services.
  • Care: Can you help us to develop as an effective body for Christ through 2021?
  • Share: Ever thought about meeting with others for prayer, mutual care and support and sharing discussions about God's word with others?

Contributions for Services

Thank you to all those who contributed to our services in 2020 and particularly over the Christmas period. At our PCC meeting on Monday, the Archdeacon said how impressive it was that we have so many different people contributing to our online services.

If you would like to contribute by doing a Bible reading, leading some prayers, leading the affirmation of faith or singing with our virtual choir or doing the children's songs, then do get in touch. We love to have new faces as well as old!

It is also great to have people contributing very short videos to our opener each week. This week I am going to say, "For the law was given through Moses..." (John 1:17) and I need people to send me a video of themselves saying:

  • ...grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

Please send contributions in as soon as possible (by 10am on Friday). You can send them by Whatsapp (07769 871520) or by WeTransfer.com to: [email protected].

Prayer Requests:

This week I want to focus on general prayer requests for people as we start this new lockdown. If you have ideas for general prayer needs or specific prayer requests for emails in future weeks then please do let me know.

Be assured I will do my best to check that people are happy for the requests to be shared before including them. Please pray...

  • For all those working in hospitals as they deal with the large numbers of Covid cases.
  • For others working hard to roll out the vaccines alongside helping people with the other medical needs at this time.
  • For teachers and schools adjusting to delivering online learning.
  • For parents, carers and pupils that they will be able to support learning without stress at home.
  • For those facing financial losses because of the lockdown restrictions.
  • For all those tired and weary as this Pandemic drags on and the stress and anxiety continues.
  • For Dick and Caroline Seed running an online training programme for the Anglican Centre for Pastoral Studies (CEP) in Santiago, Chile this week.
  • For Nicky Galer's mum in a care home, who has tested positive for covid-19, but is without symptoms.
  • For Lyn Danino after the death of her mum recently.
  • For those whose appointments or operations have been cancelled or postponed as a result of the increase in covid-cases.
  • For Barb - Gloria's daughter's friend as she continues chemotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer.


Planning Ahead for 2021

As we enter a new year and consider how best to operate as a church in the coming year we are aiming to work on four areas.

Firstly, there is already a small group working on 'Re-connecting'. We are aiming to try and contact every household linked to St. Luke's just to check they are OK and offer prayer.

Alongside that work, we are looking to set up small groups to help us begin to reimagine and reignite our work in three areas:

  • Creativity: music, publicity, web design etc.
  • Children and youth: working to ensure that children and young people grow up as disciples of Christ and have a key role in our church
  • Compassion: looking at how we can work with others to offer care and support to those in need in our local area.

Over the next few weeks I hope to set up three groups meeting on Zoom to begin to discuss these areas. If you haven't already indicated your interest in this by re-registering for St. Luke's using the online formthen please either use the online form or let me know by email. (If you haven't yet re-registered with St. Luke's then please do - you should have received a separate email encouraging you to do so.)

Even if you cannot offer your help at this time, then please do be praying for our work in these important areas.


Last Week's Talk:

What do you want? (John 1:35-42) - Available Online

The first in our series on encounters with Jesus in John's gospel. This sermon preached at the beginning of 2021 looks at the question 'What do you want?'

Growth Teams

Ever thought about meeting with others for prayer, mutual care and support and sharing discussions about God's word with others? Many people have benefitted from doing that over the years in our Growth Teams.

At present these cannot meet in-person, but there are teams meeting on Zoom on Monday and Thursday evenings. They will begin again in this coming week.

If you would be interested in being part of a Zoom Growth Team, but cannot do these times, then please do be in touch and we can see if we might be able to run a third one at another time.

Finally, do have a 'Happy New Year' by keeping your help and hope rooted in Jesus Christ.

Yours in Christ,

Paul Worledge 

Vicar, St. Luke's Ramsgate