
March 5, 2019

nghiz yooidee’é yiní ‘dilníh


rattle to stop harm!
“What is it, shima?” I’ve been asked.
     I spread my palms to indicate I do not know.
     “The world’s gone crazy.  People are out of control.  What will change it?”
     “We will.  I have heard these same words every 10-15 years of my life…. and we have changed things, you know this.  And now, it is the same… but different.”
     “There are more of us, so the power behind the change is greater.”
     I pause, “look back, and always celebrate what we have done, then make what we do now count.”
     “Come together.”
     Many want to lead the way, they can and will make a difference, and I also encourage everyone not to become too scattered in our endeavor to change.  It is concentrated focus that facilitates change.
     My friend, I say this seriously, you know if there are 20 great ways to go, each will get a portion of our attention as we gather forces.
    I am slow in discussing this.  As long as I have been alive, I have felt the politics of “divide and conquer.”  It’s been a realm of ego since the beginning of politics.  “Us against them,” has long been the foundation of this reality.  So much fear.  But in our decision making, are we asking questions that lead us to understand if this candidate, or this avenue of action, actually affirm life for all?  Affirm life today for you?  Affirm life tomorrow for your children?  It is a dilemma that ultimately causes the fracture of power, and we react from desperation believing we are between a rock and a hard place, needing to make an immediate reactionary decision.
    Be aware.
    Now is the time to gather understanding, and to make conscious choices.
    So, we continue, simplify life and choices.  Consolidate like energies, and build the power… life is ceremony… and we know what building power does for our ceremonies when we bring it forth in a shamanic healing.  Why not approach everything in life the same way?  The world, and all situations born of this time… progression the same way, my friend, it is the structure of life on earth.


Hawk WebDreaming New Moon

excerpt from For Another Good Day 2019 Prayer Book

We step up, then, and accept that we are power.  We lift up our spirits.  We leave behind speculation.  Nothing matters now except that we joyfully love, so that life connects and makes us spiritually one.


Maria Teresa Valenzula

Sisters of Honua
Keepers of the Light


excerpt from SpiralDancing Life 2nd Penseh workbook

Co-creating Responsibly
Individuals who work with the energies of the earth establish a routine of intuition. Answering these questions can help you determine your degree of alignment. Look to the experience (that year of age), and answer the question from the insight gained.


  • 0-1 Where am I not at peace in my life?
  • 1-2 Do I live authentically and fulfill my greatest potential?
  • 2-3 To find peace, must I abandon my goals and values?
  • 3-4 What is it I need to know?
  • 4-5 How well do I accept myself?
  • 5-6 What am I going to do now?
  • 6-7 Do I take time to breathe?
  • 7-8 How much space do I give myself in my life?
  • 8-9 Who am I?
  • 9-10 Where in my life is the point of excess, out of control male energy?
  • 10-11 What is the meaningful challenge I am currently engaged with that makes life an adventure?
  • 11-12 What animal do I most strongly associate myself with?
  • 12-13 When is my prime time during the day?
  • 13-14 How does emotional health determine physical health?
  • 14-15 Define Responsibility, Integrity and Stability.
  • 15-16 Do I have an energy drain in my life?
  • 16-17 What if I am wrong?
  • 17-18 How can I be at one with Totality?
  • 18-19 What do I really like to do?
  • 19-20 Do I consider how my words and actions affect others?
  • 20-21 Is polarity/dualism really an illusion?
  • 21-22 What keeps me from seeing harmony, from recognizing my interdependence?
  • 22-23 How many people have touched my life?
  • 23-24 Can I release my fear and just trust?

How much more do you know about yourself now?


Check out the Yraceburu EarthWisdom Collection >>

Next Posting: March 21, 2019 - Embracing the Hada’didla
Condor Earth Magic Full Moon


We’re excited to be at it again starting April 16th, 2019


Dearest Women,
2018… in the history books!  What an insane year.  As Grams Twylah said, “We have accepted our inner wisdom as a guideline for self-development."  We asked for it when we began this path, and it’s time to put our shoulders to it!

Many women have taken on the dream and ritual adventure with us since we began in 2012., but come April 16th, 2017 we return with VisionKeepers Ritual Training and it’s new direction!

For now, time for a unified dream field is needed!  Enjoy the sweet relief of sisters in ritual and dream work!  We’ve enjoyed every moment of having you as sisters and are very much looking forward to seeing your familiar and lovely faces (and many new ones) soon!

SHARE YOUR VISIONKEEPER STORIES with others.  We have a secret Facebook Group and if you’ve sat in circle with us, you should be on it.  Or email our Circle Facilitator Doraly directly as [email protected].  We’d LOVE to hear from you!
– Maria and the entire VisionKeepers Society

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