
This Sunday

18th April

Join us Online: YouTube (from 6am Sunday)

For those who feel safe and would find it a support to come in person to church, then the church is open at 10:30am on Sunday for a service of Holy Communion.

If you plan to come please book to attend

(you can now book for 18th and 25th April):

Register to attend

Also, join us for a chat at 11:30am on Sunday: 

Click this link to join the Zoom meeting.

Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd.

The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."

(John 10:11)

Have you ever wondered what Jesus's death and resurrection must have been like for his closest followers? One moment their normal life and expectations were completely destroyed as they watched Jesus crucified, then within a few days there he was talking and eating with them - resurrected from the dead. It must have been the mother of all emotional roller coasters!

Yet, Jesus's resurrection did not mean that their normal life and expectations were simply restored. Far from it, his death and resurrection created a brand new reality that would transform their lives for eternity.

As we continue our rather painful journey through this Pandemic, we all travel along our own emotional roller coasters. It has taken away our normal life and expectations and although the vaccine roll out means that much will hopefully be restored in the coming weeks, we will never simply return to life as it was before.

The experience will of course have changed us as people and families. I hope for you that the change has included growth in faith as you have been forced to look to God for help and support in new ways. God can and does use even the hardest experiences for good. 

Also, as we begin to meet with people we have not seen for a long time and return to activities that we have been away from for over a year we will notice changes that would normally happen over that time, but we haven't noticed because we have been away. A bit like when you see a child you haven't seen for a long time and you say, "Haven't you grown!"

One big change that is happening for St. Luke's is that we will be entering into a partnership with St. George's church where my ministry as vicar will be shared between the two churches. Please pray for my licensing service at St. George's on Tuesday 27th April and that the opportunities this new partnership presents will lead to growth across both churches.

In order to make this work I have had to make a decision about the timing of services at both churches. St. George’s main service will move to 9:30am and St. Luke’s service time will move to 11:00am from the start of May. This enables me to be at both services, but it also means I can be at St. George’s to prepare for their service and be ready to lead from the start, whereas at St. Luke’s as we have others who are happy to lead the services from the beginning I can afford to arrive just in time for the service. The other advantage is that I will have plenty of time to greet and talk to the congregation at St. Luke’s after the service, whereas since the congregation at St. George’s is smaller, I need less time after their service for that.

Change is never easy, but in a way this Pandemic has created a life of constant changes! We may fear what these changes may bring, but as Christians we can look back to the most important moment of change the world has ever seen, when Jesus died on the cross and so opened up the Way to God and the hope of eternal life to all who believe in him. Whatever other changes we face, this change created the one certainty that we can always depend on.

Join us this Sunday as we continue our series: Encounters with JesusThis week we are looking at Peter: Do you love me? (John 21:1-19).

Please read on...

  • Prayer: Urgent: Opener to send in. The latest prayer requests.
  • Care: Are you on the electoral roll? St. George's Community Meal? Have you an old table or desk you don't want? Report on Easter Cracked for schools.
  • Share: Last Sunday. Life Stories. Bags of taste cooking course. Evangelism in a digital age. Thank you from Tearfund.

Contributions to this week's Opener

URGENT: For this Sunday: We need people responding to: Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd" with 

The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

Please send contributions in as soon as possible (by 10am on Friday). You can send them by Whatsapp (07769 871520) or by WeTransfer.com to: [email protected].

For next Sunday:  We need people responding to: "This is how we know what love is:" with Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

Prayer Requests:

​​Be assured I will do my best to check that people are happy for the requests to be shared before including them. Please pray for...

  • Joy Smithers. Give thanks that she has now been able to return home, but pray for her continuing treatment for a broken left leg and infected right leg.

  • Rosemary Ebelthite's cousin's son Grant. He has cystic fibrosis and by God's grace has reached the age of 40. He needs a double lung and liver transplant, but first needs to put on more weight. Please pray this will happen.

  • Shirley Crabb that her hip operation can go ahead soon.
  • Annie's mum that she can soon move into the care home that has been chosen and settle in well there.

  • Flo Baldock still having tests and treatment for her stomach, but also struggling with a chest infection.

  • Jean Mayton, after a serious bleed on the brain recently. Give thanks that she is showing signs of recovery.

  • Nathan Court for his continuing treatment.

  • Barb (Gloria's daughter's friend) undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

  • Jeannette (Claudia's sister) undergoing chemotherapy treatment.


Are you on the church electoral roll?

If you've been attending St. Luke's for more than six months are sixteen or over and baptised, then you can be on our electoral roll. This is an expression of membership of the church as well as giving you the right to vote for PCC members and at our annual meeting.

Many of you will already be on the roll, but if you are not and can be we will be sending out an email this week encouraging you to join. If you do not receive the email and you think you should, please get in touch. In order to join the electoral roll before the next Annual Meeting on 18th May at 7:30pm you need to send the application in by Sunday 2nd May.


St. George’s Community Meal

The St. George’s Community Meal in Ramsgate will reopen on the 22nd June 2021. The evening provides a hot meal, company, conversation and fun for around forty or fifty homeless and vulnerable adults in the St. George’s Parish Hall weekly. We are looking for volunteers of all ages that can help cook, clean, serve and engage with our guests from 5pm – 8pm. Please email [email protected] to find out how to get involved and be part of the team.

Wanted: A table or desk

As part of our plans to livestream our services once restrictions are fully listed we are looking to create an audio-visual desk. This may be cheaper if we can incorporate an old table or desk in the design. If you have one you no longer require and would be happy to donate it to the church, then please do get in touch.

Easter Cracked for Schools

This year St. Luke's helped support the running of Easter Cracked in three local schools. Here is a report from Maggie Padison of ACTS on how the program went across Thanet:

The message of the risen Jesus and the wonder of the Easter story began again in schools taking part this year in Easter Cracked. Schools watched our YouTube recording of our Easter event supported by the delivery of the Booklets and posters that we give the children each year to record everything they learn and take it away with them so that they remember.

We had great feedback from the schools but I wanted to share with you a story which has come to me from a Year 6 child that watched Easter Cracked at her school. A parent got in touch with me yesterday evening and said this about her daughter's response:

"She was genuinely moved by it. She said it had made her think about how true it all is and asked if she could be baptised! She also told me that she wants to read the Bible cover to cover - started tonight and for a child that struggles to read that is really something!"

Wow! I am humbled and blessed and wanted to share it with you so that you know that in supporting the work of ACTS you further the work of the kingdom in reaching children, young people and their families with a knowledge of Jesus.


Last Week's Talk:

Encounters with Jesus: Thomas - Unless I see, I will not believe! (John 20:19-31) - Available Online

Many people find the idea of Jesus being resurrected from the dead completely unbelievable. It is just not possible for dead people to come alive again. Thomas one of Jesus’s closest disciples was one of those people. He had been told by ten other disciples that Jesus had risen from the dead, but he refused to believe. Then the risen Jesus appeared to him.

St. Luke's Stories

The latest post is a couple of Easter Poems from Audrey Tucker: The Call

There is also an anonymous reflection of their Pandemic Experience that someone has sent in using our online survey. You can check it out here: Pandemic Experience 1.

​Do keep sending in more 'life stories' so we can add them to our page. 

Interesting Blogs and Videos

Bags of Taste Cooking Course

This is an initiative to encourage healthy cooking and eating that is being supported by Sharon Goodyer and Our Kitchen. Over 100 people in the Thanet area have done this course now and loved it! 

For a FREE bag of ingredients to be delivered to your door with three delicious recipes to cook email: [email protected] to sign up!

Evangelism in a Digital Age

An interesting article about how some are sharing the good news of Jesus through the internet.

A Thank You from Tearfund

A short video from Tearfund thanking us for our support over the last year.

Finally, let's not forget the incredible changes Jesus won through his death and resurrection.

Yours in Christ,

Paul Worledge 

Vicar, St. Luke's Ramsgate