
This Sunday - 31st January

Join us Online: YouTube (from 6am Sunday)

We are not encouraging people to come to the church building at present, but for those who feel safe and would find it a support to come in person we will be open at 10:30am on Sunday:

You can now book to attend services in February:

Register to attend

Also, join us for a chat at 11:30am on Sunday: 

Click this link to join the Zoom meeting.

"Jesus said if anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink." (John 7:38)

On Tuesday, we passed the grim milestone of 100,000 dead in the UK. This is a tragedy for our country, but also for every individual who has lost their lives and every family that has lost a loved one. Yes, there is a hope that the vaccines should bring the Pandemic to an end, but there is a still a long way to go.

The milestone has led many to review how we as a country have done so far in responding to the crisis. There are lessons to learn not just for a future pandemic, but for the continuing struggle against this one.

But, I wonder what lessons have we learnt as Christians through this crisis? Yes our church life has been disrupted. Yes we have discovered new ways of being church online. But how has it effected the way we relate to God?

We saw in last Sunday's sermon that to be a Christian is to be born again into a new relationship with God as our Father, Jesus as our Saviour and the Spirit dwelling in us. How has that relationship sustained and helped us through these dark times?

The way we express our relationship with God is summed up in our three headings: prayer, care and share. We speak to God in prayer, we care for one another as his family the church and we share his word with one another and the world. 

During February our sermon series is going to look at each of these in turn. To help me with that I would love it if people could let me know about the challenges, struggles and support they've found through these areas of our Christian life.

Over the next three weeks there will be online questionnaires on each topic, starting this week with Prayer. There are only a few questions and you don't have to answer them all, but it will help me to be more relevant as I speak on these topics if a good number of people take time to fill in the questionnaire.

Fill in Questionnaire on Prayer

Join us this Sunday as we read about Jesus's encounter with someone you wouldn't expect. The reading is John 4:1-21.

Please read on...

  • Prayer:Please encourage others by sending in an opener for our online service. Also, people to pray for.
  • Care: ​Update on our Sunday Club's Compassion Child: John.
  • Share: Bible craft for children. Sign up for a Christianity Explored course.

Contributions to this week's Opener

It is good to speak truth to one another. This week another verse from John's Gospel. Please contribute!

This week I am going to say, "Jesus said, 'If anyone is thirsty.." (John 3:16) and I need people to send me a video of themselves saying:

  • ...let him come to me and drink.

Please send contributions in as soon as possible (by 10am on Friday). You can send them by Whatsapp (07769 871520) or by WeTransfer.com to: [email protected].

Prayer Requests:

​​Be assured I will do my best to check that people are happy for the requests to be shared before including them. Please pray...

  • Pray for Jeannette (Claudia's sister in USA). She has now had an operation, which was successful and starts Chemotherapy in 6 weeks. Please continue to pray for for the Lord's healing touch, strength and love around her and her family!
  • Colin Ryan (Rita's husband) who has developed double vision. He is getting better, but has some tests coming up to help see what is causing this.

  • Annie Harvey's mum. She is getting better, but still in hospital. Pray for wise decisions about her future and for peace for Annie.

  • Peter Shakeshaft who has recently been diagnosed with Crohn's disease.

  • For those whose appointments or operations have been cancelled or postponed as a result of the increase in covid-cases.
  • For Barb - Gloria's daughter's friend as she continues chemotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer.


Compassion Child: John

The latest letter from John, a 10 year old child in the Philippines that we support through our Sunday Club is available to read online: Letter from John. Would anyone be interested in co-ordinating writing a response to John? Also we are obviously not having collections at Sunday Club for John. If you would like to make a donation, then please use our online donation form: give.net and under 'details and/or reference number' say that it is for 'Compassion - John.'


Last Week's Talk:

Not Self-Improvement (John 3:1-22) - Available Online

Many people have made up their minds about who Jesus is and how you gain eternal life. Nicodemus comes to Jesus seemingly open to learn, but he begins by telling Jesus what he has decided about Jesus. He has decided to approach Jesus as a teacher. Jesus responds by telling Nicodemus that he needs to be ‘born again.’ What does Jesus mean?

Bible Crafts for Children:

Maggie Paddison from ACTS writes: As you may know my one of my favourite past times is Crafting and Bible journaling, after all we are made by an amazing Creator God to be creative and it is a wonderful way to express our worship. I supplied nearly 300 of my Christmas Bible craft kits to local churches at the end of last year and they have been really well received!

I continue to produce Bible Journaling kits for kids and adults and I have just finished creating this month's kit which is all about 'Noah' and what we can learn from the story of the great flood and God's promise to us. Next month's will be themed around the story of Jonah and the March kit will be all about Easter. If you didn't the last email regarding this I am providing a kids Bible craft packs which you can send out to the children in your church family. This is suitable for Primary school aged children although Infant aged and smaller might need a little help. I can provide a simpler version for under 5's if needed. The kits cost £!.50 each or £1 each if your church does any necessary printing. Every penny that is paid for the kits goes straight to ACTS to fund our continuing, and growing. work in Thanet Primary Schools.

If you would like to know more or arrange purchase of some kits please drop me an email: [email protected]

Here are a couple of pictures of the January Noah & the flood kit:


Christianity Explored

We would love to help you explore the Christian faith at St. Luke's. Many people have found the Christianity Explored course a great way to do this.

At present we can do this using Zoom meetings either as a one to one session or in a small group. If you are interested in trying out the first session, with no commitment to future sessions, then please read more...

Finally, do keep praying!

Yours in Christ,

Paul Worledge 

Vicar, St. Luke's Ramsgate