-The first Kick Butts day was held in 1996
-Every day, more than 3,000 kids under 18 try smoking for the first time and 700 kids become new regular, daily smokers
-Kick butts purpose is to raise awareness about the tobacco problem, encourage peers to be tobacco-free and support effective solutions to reduce tobacco use
-Tobacco use is the #1 preventable cause of disease, disability, death in the U.S.
-95% of adults smokers start smoking before the age of 21
-$897.6 million are spent annually on medical expenses and lost productivity due to tobacco use in Utah
-75% of current smokers ages 15-17 report obtaining cigarettes from friends and classmates
-84% of teens admitted they would not use electronic tobacco products if they were not flavored
--70,000 Utah teens have tried electronic tobacco products
(Utah DOH,
-30.3 million Americans have diabetes
-84 million Americans have prediabetes
-Diabetes can lead to heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, and amputation
-The rate of diabetes in children in Utah is increasing every year