As you consider where to make your final, year-end, charitable contributions for 2022, we hope you might consider a gift of literacy.
Your tax-deductible contribution at this time makes it possible for our dedicated team to continue the important work of promoting literacy and establishing caring connections with deserving Redwood City School District students.
We are the only literacy non-profit in Redwood City that places literacy volunteers in the classroom at the middle school level, and we focus on our local community where the need is considerable:
- Over 50% of students in the Redwood City district are designated English language learners.
- 43% of Redwood City third grade students read below grade level. That figure rises to 65% for Latino students in the district.
- Nationally, we know that 88% of all high school drop-outs couldn’t read proficiently by 3rd grade. As such, many literacy non-profits stop serving children after 3rd grade, and this is where we come in. We don't give up on these students. We don't stop believing in them.
Please consider investing in the future of these students. $50 or $100 goes a long way toward meeting the need. And, if you’re able, please consider $200 or more to help sustain our work.
To donate, you can use the Donate link below or send a check to Los Ayudantes, 2650 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park, CA 94025. You will receive a receipt for your tax records.
To those donating your time as a volunteer as well, we thank you!
With deep appreciation,
Michelle Swenson, President, Los Ayudantes Board of Directors
Jenni Farrell, Program Director and Board Member